I've been off for the last little while with family concerns. When one loses a parent, it seems the concern for the future becomes even more acute. It becomes screamingly apparent that there is NO ONE to look to for improving this world exceptt ones self. Laura Knight-Jadczyk knows this better than anyone. Her blog is testament to spreading the ideas that could be the tipping point between a creating a sane world for our children and careening into the abyss. Here is just such a post.
Blue Ibis
The Truth is Public Property
As the information about psychopathy in high places - Political Ponerology - spreads, I am frequently asked: what do we do now? This is something that has been exercising me to no end. This morning I received an email from 9/11 Researcher, Dick Eastman, who wrote:
We now must move to the next step - bringing to justice the mass-murdering criminals responsible for all of the false-flag killing that has been done and is still being done around the world since September 11, 2001 -- taking down from positions of power in our government and key institutions those who have had a knowing part in the murderous misdirection of American armed forces against innocent people in countries that have done us no harm and bore us no ill will. This includes Congressmen who held their hands to their ears. This Includes newspaper editors and publishers and radio producers and television networks -- all complicit -- all knowingly obstructing justice. (They knew too well what voices to silence not to know what it was that they were silencing.) We must confront, overpower and disarm the monsters who are in control of the coercive apparatus of the government, rendering them harmless, taking away their ill-gotten gains, restoring a people's government, and bringing them to justice (life in prison if not hanging).
Every nation must be decapitated of its stooges and replaced by people who have not been prostitutes of the globalist money power. This must be done or it is better to do nothing at all -- the criminal ruling elites -- the billionaires and trillionaires (more of these than you think) must be taken down, their god-like power of wealth taken from their hands.
Of course since these people are the merchant bankers who own the world's debt -- they must be made to give all that wealth back to the people of the world from whom they have been stealing for for three centuries. We cannot beat them until we disarm them financially. The world needs a grand settlement -- all who benefit from having the yoke of these monsters lifted must join in seeing that the job of getting justice is achieved all around the world at the same time. Otherwise the Merchant Bankers will use one debt-slave nation to subdue another , will hire mercenaries from one continent to crush the anti-corruption forces of another continent.
Now who is ready to advance to "square two" and who is not?
Notice that Dick has written above: "This Includes newspaper editors and publishers and radio producers and television networks -- all complicit -- all knowingly obstructing justice."
This is, in fact, the key to everything: the Media. The first thing that has to be done before anything else can be done is to take back the media. The media is the wall between the elite pathocrats and the public. It is the tool used to control and manipulate. In Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, and other totalitarian states down through history, the control of information was/is the means of control of the people. After all, the masses of people that are needed to support any kind of movement are in that part of the bell curve that indicates that they are just "average" and "followers" and "want to be left alone" and can only be moved by moving "en masse." They are the ones that must be reached. And that can only be done via mass media. We do not own the mass media. I think that less than half of the people in the U.S., and a smaller percentage than that in other places, get their news via the internet. And we all know how much disinformation is on the net. Now, let's back up and get some perspective here. People need to really think about who's running the U.S. (and other countries on the planet), and get it firmly in mind that it is big business: oil companies and the arms industry. Now, think of the term: "RUTHLESS MEN". Ponder it long and carefully. Even if you can't believe that clinically diagnosible psychopaths are in power, just consider that big businesses are invariably headed by RUTHLESS MEN. The term "Establishment" refers to all those wealthy people across the country who own most of the country. And, as the news has recently reported, it is a very small percentage of the total population. Some people will do anything for money and to protect their interests and their wealth; that is usually how they get to be wealthy in the first place. In my opinion, many of the "industrial barons" of American history were criminals. They are extremists, radical, and most often use religion to justify this extremism and the oppression of others.
It is par for the course for such radicals to label anyone a little toward the center, or even in the center, as "Leftists". In a country where the largest majority are in the center, neither Left nor Right, they are the ones that are hurt the most.
There are Leftists in the 9/11 Research Community that would like to blame everything on capitalism in general. Well, it's true that Capitalism - as it is practiced in the U.S. - is selective for psychopaths to rise to the top. But Capitalism, the right to work hard and improve your lot thereby, is not the cause of radical ruthlessness.
At the same time, there are many radical Rightists who have invaded 9/11 Research. You could even say that the majority of them are of that ilk. Their presence is, basically, to support the Right by sowing confusion and dissension, to demolish the evidence of conspiracy, and certainly to herd people into various camps, usually religious or armed. Stirring up the Indians, then fighting them and taking their land and possessions, is an old game: Interventionism and Adventurism - the "American Way." Throughout history, Indians, Blacks, the poor, have always understood this at some level. But most Middle-class, average Americans do not. Due to their upbringing, education, socialization - basically brainwashing - we are taught to separate reality between what we believe versus what actually happens. For the most part, we don't want to know the truth because if we knew it, we would have to do something about it. We just want problems to go away, so we like very much to have a patsy - a scapegoat - to blame so we can get back to the business of trying to survive in a country where everyone is oppressed while they are told that they are better off than anybody else on earth.
The fact is that societies are split between the forces of Good and Evil. Decent people - people who have lines in their consciences that they will not cross - live side by side with people who would do anything to get what they want. And so it is that RUTHLESS MEN - however you wish to describe them - control America. They either control or install the U.S. government, and have done so for a very long time. It doesn't matter whether they are Jews or Gentiles or Hottentots. They are ruthless, and many of them are psychopaths or related deviants. The oil companies and arms industries control governments and policy; they control the military and political parties across the board; republicans AND democrats. They own nearly everyone. They have the power to make and break people. It is important to remember that behind the office of the President, there are ruthless men who will do anything at all to maintain and increase their power and to attain their ends. The history of the White House is the history of puppets who do what they are told to do. It is oil companies and arms industries that want war. They need to control the masses of people so that they can get what they want. Doing "anything at all" means killing people who get in the way and killing people to create conditions so that they can stampede populations in the way they want them to go, generally to war. Nobody with that kind of power is going to give it up easily. And there is nothing they will not do if they see it as essential: they assassinated John F. Kennedy in broad daylight because he threatened that power. People sometimes ask how such conspiracies as the JFK assassination and 9/11 could be "covered up without someone from the inside talking." As Harrison Livingstone points out, this is a naive question. If someone is a witness to a murder done by professionals, do you really think they are going to go around blabbing about it? And if the victim is a president, or the people in the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and 4 airliners, it is clear to even the most pedestrian thinker that the crime has been committed by those with great power. Anybody with two firing neurons can figure out that such perpetrators are in such a strong position that protesting or seriously trying to blow the whistle on such an event puts the whistle-blower in the gravest of danger - particularly if they have an audience. (That's why they work so hard to make sure that those who tell the truth do not have an audience.) Further, if we consider the element of the "Establishment" mentioned above, it is unlikely that exposing the crime would even result in justice being done. Who would they turn to? Who would protect them?
Here is where we return to the subject of the Media. If the witness goes to the media of today, they might as well jump off a cliff and be done with it. Because, most certainly, the impression that the media gives of "truth seeking" is only window dressing. Now and again they expose the truth on some matter that doesn't really matter, but that is only to shore up the illusion of a democracy and a free press; to keep the herd satisfied. The media is, in fact, under the same control as politicians and politics. In short, the media is under the control of the perpetrators of the crime. So, with no media to form an opposing power base, who ya gonna tell?
And without the Media to back you up, who's going to believe you? Further, in the case of crimes of state, which the JFK assassination and 9/11 certainly were, enough other people are killed to insure the silence of everyone in the conspiracy. The additional deaths (or character assassinations) send a loud and clear message to everyone who might know something: keep your mouth shut! And so it is, we come to the crux of the matter: we must take back the media.
That's the first order of business.
When you think about it, where does any private group or individual get off thinking that they "own" information, facts, data about events that happen in our world that affect everyone? The Truth is public property: it belongs to ALL.
After thinking about this for some time, I have come to the realization that all public media should be publicly owned and overseen by public commissions that are not in any way related to politics - neither elected nor appointed, but selected by random lottery from pools of qualified citizens. Only in this way can we guarantee to ourselves the support that is needed to accomplish everything else that must be done to clean up the mess that Ruthless, Greedy Men have made of our planet. But in order to even approach that goal peacefully, we need to find ways to bypass the currently existing media - to become our own media. That is the task before us.
Signs of the Times, Psychopath, MSM, Conspiracy, Ponerology, Red Pill Press, Pathocrat
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Pearl Harbor - Worth Remembering, But Not For the Public Reasons
Signs of the Times Remembers:
Pearl Harbor - A Lesson Lost On The People Of The World
Signs of the Times 08/12/2006
Yesterday was the 65th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the day when President Roosevelt gave the American people and the world conclusive proof that, as a general rule, war doesn't just happen but is deliberately created by politicians.
From Douglas Reed's Controversy of Zion:
Pearl Harbor - A Lesson Lost On The People Of The World
Signs of the Times 08/12/2006
Yesterday was the 65th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the day when President Roosevelt gave the American people and the world conclusive proof that, as a general rule, war doesn't just happen but is deliberately created by politicians.
From Douglas Reed's Controversy of Zion:
In the First [World] War President Wilson, re-elected on the promise to keep his country out of war, immediately after his re-inauguration declared that "a state of war exists". In the Second War President Roosevelt was re-elected in 1940 on the repeated promise that "your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars". His electoral programme, however, included a five-word proviso: "We will not send our armies, navies or air forces to fight in foreign lands outside the Americas except in case of attack". These five words were added (says one of Mr. Bernard Baruch's approved biographers, Mr. Rosenbloom) "by Senator James F. Byrnes, who was so close to Baruch that it was sometimes impossible to tell which of the two originated the view that both expressed".The more things change, the more they stay the same. If it works, why change tactics? It should be obvious to anyone that is prepared to think logically rather than emotionally or "patriotically" that involving a country in a war that the population doesn't want is easy. In 1941 it happened by way of Pearl Harbor, Vietnam was helped along by the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident, and the current invasion of Iraq absolutely required the events of September 11, 2001.
The importance of the proviso was shown on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour. Twelve days earlier Mr. Henry L. Stimson, the Secretary for War, after a cabinet meeting on November 25, 1941, had noted in his diary: "The question was how we should manoeuvre them" (the Japanese) "into the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves; it was a difficult proposition".
The pre-history of this notation, again, is that on January 27, 1941 the United States Ambassador in Tokyo had advised his government that "in the event of trouble breaking out between the United States and Japan, the Japanese intended to make a surprise attack against Pearl Harbour"; that the Soviet spy in Tokyo, Dr. Richard Sorge, informed the Soviet Government in October 1941 that "the Japs intended to attack Pearl Harbour within sixty days" and was advised by the Soviet Government that his information had been transmitted to President Roosevelt (according to Sorge's confession, New York Daily News, May 17, 1951); that the Roosevelt government delivered a virtual ultimatum to Japan on November 26, 1941; that secret Japanese messages, from September 1941 up to the very moment of the attack, which were intercepted and decoded by United States intelligence units, gave unmistakable evidence of a coming attack on Pearl Harbour but were not transmitted to the American commanders there; that on December 1 the Head of Naval Intelligence, Far Eastern Section, drafted a dispatch to the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet saying "war between Japan and the United States is imminent", which was cancelled by superior authority; that on December 5 Colonel Sadtler of the U.S. Signal Corps, on information received, drafted a dispatch to commanders, "War with Japan imminent; eliminate all possibility of another Port Arthur" (an allusion to the similar "surprise attack" that began the Russo-Japanese war), which was similarly suppressed; that a Japanese reply, obviously tantamount to a declaration of war, to the Roosevelt ultimatum was received in Washington on December 6, 1941 but no word was sent to the Pearl Harbour defenders. A message stating that "the Japanese are presenting at one p.m., eastern time today what amounts to an ultimatum. . . be on the alert" was at last dispatched about noon on December 7, 1941, and reached the commanders at Pearl Harbour between six and eight hours after the Japanese attack.
The record now available suggests that the Americans on Hawaii alone were left without knowledge of the imminent onslaught which cost two battleships and two destroyers (apart from many vessels put out of action), 177 aircraft and 4575 dead, wounded or missing. A direct and immediate consequence was also the disaster suffered by the British navy off Malaya, when the battleships Prince of Wales and Renown were sunk with great loss of life.
Political leaders who are ready to obtain their country's entry into war by facilitating an enemy attack on it cannot be depended on to wage it in the national interest. The American people as a whole still is unaware of the truth of Pearl Harbour, an ominous beginning which led in unbroken line to the ominous end.
Eight investigations were held, seven naval or military ones during wartime and one Congressional one at the war's end. Thus wartime secrecy enshrouded them all and none of them was truly public or exhaustive; moreover, all were conducted under the aegis of the political party whose man was president at the time of Pearl Harbour. The vital facts (that the president knew at the latest eight weeks earlier, from an intercepted Japanese dispatch, that "a surprise attack was being planned and that these intercepted messages were withheld from the Pearl Harbour commanders over a long period) were burked throughout. The Secretary of War's diary (with the significant entry above quoted) was not admitted in evidence and Mr. Stimson himself was not called, being in ill health. Control of the press enabled the long proceedings (six months) to be presented to the public in bewildering and confusing form.
However, the three naval commanders chiefly concerned have published their accounts. Rear Admiral Kimmel, Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet at the time, says of another admiral's belief that "President Roosevelt's plans required that no word be sent to alert the fleet in Hawaii", that "the individuals in high position in Washington who willfully refrained from alerting our forces at Pearl Harbour should never be excused. The Commanders at Pearl Harbour Were never informed of. . . the American note delivered to the Japanese Ambassadors on November 26, 1941, which effectually ended the possibility of further negotiations and thus made the Pacific war inevitable . . . No hint of vital intercepts received, decoded and delivered to responsible officials in Washington on December 6 and 7, 1941, was sent to the Navy and Army Commanders in the Hawaiian area".
Fleet Admiral Halsey, who at that time was one of Admiral Kimmel's three senior commanders, says, "All our intelligence pointed to an attack by Japan against the Philippines or the southern areas in Malaya or the Dutch East Indies. While Pearl Harbour was considered and not ruled out, the mass of the evidence made available to us pointed in another direction. Had we known of Japan's minute and continued interest in the exact location and movement of our ships in Pearl Harbour" (indicated by the withheld message) "it is only logical that we would have concentrated our thought on meeting the practical certainty of an attack on Pearl Harbour".
Rear Admiral Theobald, commanding destroyers of the Battle Force at Pearl Harbour, writing in 1954 says, "Dictates of patriotism requiring secrecy regarding a line of national conduct in order to preserve it for possible future repetition do not apply in this case because, in this atomic age, facilitating an enemy's surprise attack, as a method of initiating a war, is unthinkable".
(The admiral presumably means that he hopes a repetition is "unthinkable"). He adds. "The recurrent fact of the true Pearl Harbour story has been the repeated withholding of information from Admiral Kimmel and General Short" (the naval and military commanders at Pearl Harbour, who were made scapegoats) ". . . never before in recorded history had a field commander been denied information that his country would be at war in a matter of hours, and that everything pointed to a surprise attack upon his forces shortly after sunrise".
Admiral Theobald quotes the later statement of Admiral Stark (who in December 1941 was Chief of Naval Operations in Washington and who refused to inform Admiral Kimmel of the Japanese declaration of war message) that all he did was done on the order of higher authority, "which can only mean President Roosevelt.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Becoming What We Despise
Another Signs of the Times find. What the New York Times will show but not say the truth about:
Robert Scheer: Becoming What We Despise
Posted on Dec 5, 2006
By Robert Scheer
Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen, has been tortured by his own government for the better part of three-and-one-half years, suffering years of systematic sensory deprivation documented in his attorneys' filings and supported by photos of the prisoner published this week by the New York Times.
In that time, Padilla, who has been judged by professionals as mentally ill as a consequence of his brutal treatment, has been denied his Constitutional right to a fair and speedy trial and was permitted no legal representation for 21 months. The Bush administration’s excuse for this betrayal of our legal system was that Padilla was a dangerous al Qaeda agent, a big fish caught in the administration's successful pursuit of its much ballyhooed war on terror. In the words of then-U.S. Attorney Gen. John Ashcroft, Padilla was "a known terrorist who was exploring a plan to build and explode a radiological dispersion device, or 'dirty bomb,' in the United States." Those lurid claims were abandoned when the government, faced with a belated U.S. Supreme Court censure, finally charged Padilla with vague and lesser crimes carrying a maximum 15-year sentence.
Were this some isolated case of officially condoned sadism, say in a rural county jail, it could be minimized as an aberration. Instead, it is an all-too-accurate reflection of a presidential policy of dehumanizing anyone even suspected of being an enemy. The Times photos, taken from a government video, give evidence of a heavily manacled prisoner with masked eyes and muffled ears being walked down a corridor within a Navy brig, lending physical evidence to Padilla's lawyer's claims of a pattern of disorienting isolation. "There is nothing comparable in terms of severity of confinement, in terms of how Padilla was held, especially considering that this was pretrial confinement," Philip D. Cave, a former Navy judge advocate general, told the Times.
Obviously, a prisoner who has been deliberately disorientated for so long is no longer in a position to exercise his right to confront his accusers. An examining psychiatrist wrote that "as the result of his experience during his detention and interrogation, Mr. Padilla does not appreciate the nature and consequences of the proceedings against him, is unable to render assistance to counsel, and has impairments in reasoning as the result of a mental illness ... complicated by the neuropsychiatric effects of prolonged isolation."
The excuse for this heinous treatment of a U.S. citizen is the same as that given for an entire orgy of despicable treatment of prisoners held in Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo and a gulag archipelago of secret military facilities around the world: Our enemies, all linked through sophistry to the 9/11 terror attacks, are so vile and dangerous that the limitations on government power enshrined in our guiding documents and political culture no longer apply. Once the Twin Towers were knocked down, supposedly, we could no longer afford to be "nice guys" - as if the rule of law is an indulgence of only the most secure nations.
By that standard, any tyrant can justify the cruelest of actions by citing enemies, real or imagined, be it King George III blockading Boston Harbor to teach the rebellious colonists a lesson or Saddam Hussein killing Kurdish villagers after an assassination attempt on his life. The very uniqueness of our national experiment was the checks and balances put upon the government to prevent such convenient rationalizations for abuse of the individual. The Founding Fathers won a war, but their true contribution to human history was to tackle head-on the reality that humans and their institutions can so easily become that which they despise.
Even when an American is suspected of a "capital or infamous crime," as was Padilla, the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution specifically says he still cannot "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." That is why the Supreme Court finally forced the Bush administration to give Padilla his day in court.
In the end, the administration has retreated from its hoary claims; Padilla's trial, set to begin on Jan. 22, does not include any reference to dirty bombs, al Qaeda, or any specific plans to attack America. Instead, he faces lesser charges claiming he was the recruit of a "North American support cell," whose interest was in jihad in Bosnia and Chechnya. As if it had no bearing on the disoriented state of mind of the defendant, the Bush administration's lawyers have argued in motions that his treatment as a prisoner should not be presented before the jury.
The more important question now, however, is when will those who, like Ashcroft, used this case to shamelessly exploit our fears for political purposes face their own day of accountability in a court of law?
Jose Padilla
Habaeus Corpus
Fifth Amemdment"
U.S. Supreme Court
al Qaeda
dirty bombs
New York Times
This still photo from a video obtained by The New York Times shows Jose Padilla’s forced isolation and sensory deprivation, including the use of blinders and sound dampeners as he is moved from his cell.
Robert Scheer: Becoming What We Despise
Posted on Dec 5, 2006
By Robert Scheer
Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen, has been tortured by his own government for the better part of three-and-one-half years, suffering years of systematic sensory deprivation documented in his attorneys' filings and supported by photos of the prisoner published this week by the New York Times.
In that time, Padilla, who has been judged by professionals as mentally ill as a consequence of his brutal treatment, has been denied his Constitutional right to a fair and speedy trial and was permitted no legal representation for 21 months. The Bush administration’s excuse for this betrayal of our legal system was that Padilla was a dangerous al Qaeda agent, a big fish caught in the administration's successful pursuit of its much ballyhooed war on terror. In the words of then-U.S. Attorney Gen. John Ashcroft, Padilla was "a known terrorist who was exploring a plan to build and explode a radiological dispersion device, or 'dirty bomb,' in the United States." Those lurid claims were abandoned when the government, faced with a belated U.S. Supreme Court censure, finally charged Padilla with vague and lesser crimes carrying a maximum 15-year sentence.
Were this some isolated case of officially condoned sadism, say in a rural county jail, it could be minimized as an aberration. Instead, it is an all-too-accurate reflection of a presidential policy of dehumanizing anyone even suspected of being an enemy. The Times photos, taken from a government video, give evidence of a heavily manacled prisoner with masked eyes and muffled ears being walked down a corridor within a Navy brig, lending physical evidence to Padilla's lawyer's claims of a pattern of disorienting isolation. "There is nothing comparable in terms of severity of confinement, in terms of how Padilla was held, especially considering that this was pretrial confinement," Philip D. Cave, a former Navy judge advocate general, told the Times.
Obviously, a prisoner who has been deliberately disorientated for so long is no longer in a position to exercise his right to confront his accusers. An examining psychiatrist wrote that "as the result of his experience during his detention and interrogation, Mr. Padilla does not appreciate the nature and consequences of the proceedings against him, is unable to render assistance to counsel, and has impairments in reasoning as the result of a mental illness ... complicated by the neuropsychiatric effects of prolonged isolation."
The excuse for this heinous treatment of a U.S. citizen is the same as that given for an entire orgy of despicable treatment of prisoners held in Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo and a gulag archipelago of secret military facilities around the world: Our enemies, all linked through sophistry to the 9/11 terror attacks, are so vile and dangerous that the limitations on government power enshrined in our guiding documents and political culture no longer apply. Once the Twin Towers were knocked down, supposedly, we could no longer afford to be "nice guys" - as if the rule of law is an indulgence of only the most secure nations.
By that standard, any tyrant can justify the cruelest of actions by citing enemies, real or imagined, be it King George III blockading Boston Harbor to teach the rebellious colonists a lesson or Saddam Hussein killing Kurdish villagers after an assassination attempt on his life. The very uniqueness of our national experiment was the checks and balances put upon the government to prevent such convenient rationalizations for abuse of the individual. The Founding Fathers won a war, but their true contribution to human history was to tackle head-on the reality that humans and their institutions can so easily become that which they despise.
Even when an American is suspected of a "capital or infamous crime," as was Padilla, the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution specifically says he still cannot "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." That is why the Supreme Court finally forced the Bush administration to give Padilla his day in court.
In the end, the administration has retreated from its hoary claims; Padilla's trial, set to begin on Jan. 22, does not include any reference to dirty bombs, al Qaeda, or any specific plans to attack America. Instead, he faces lesser charges claiming he was the recruit of a "North American support cell," whose interest was in jihad in Bosnia and Chechnya. As if it had no bearing on the disoriented state of mind of the defendant, the Bush administration's lawyers have argued in motions that his treatment as a prisoner should not be presented before the jury.
The more important question now, however, is when will those who, like Ashcroft, used this case to shamelessly exploit our fears for political purposes face their own day of accountability in a court of law?
Jose Padilla
Habaeus Corpus
Fifth Amemdment"
U.S. Supreme Court
al Qaeda
dirty bombs
Sunday, November 19, 2006
JFK: Looking Back
I was 6 years old and just started grade one the year John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered. A nun came onto our bus as all us were leaving for home, and asked us to say a prayer for his soul. I think she was crying. Though we were all so young, somehow I think most of us knew that something truly fateful had happened; catastrophic beyond the loss of a charismatic leader.
So apparently did France. In 1968 a book by "James Hepburn" appeared called Farewell America. From the introduction to the first excerpt:
The first post in the series on John F. Kennedy is entitled "The Debris of History."
The second is The Gladiator: John Fitzgerald Kennedy
The third installment discusses the question: Is the Bush family implicated in the assassination of John F. Kennedy? The French Intelligence unit has some interesting answers.
The fourth part discusses JFK's ideas for improving society and the forces working against him: Sim City and John F. Kennedy
Fifth is a discussion of "John F. Kennedy and All Those "isms". How did he really deal with capitalism, communism, socialism, and let's not forget, fascism?
Further illumination of this great man:
John F. Kennedy, J. Edgar Hoover, Organized Crime and the Global Village JFK had a grasp of the concept of the Global Village long before it became a wide-spread idea. Problem was, orgainzed crime liked things the way they were.
John F. Kennedy and the Psychopathology of Politics 'nuff said. The insights we have now regarding pyschopathy could have made a big difference to how Kennedy conducted policy.
"John F. Kennedy and the Pigs of War" discusses John F. Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs invasion. It may be that he was set up by forces within the government in bed with organized crime.
John F. Kennedy and the Titans. His attempt to bring the common people back into the political equation. A choice quote:
A series to both sadden and inspire.
Blue Ibis
So apparently did France. In 1968 a book by "James Hepburn" appeared called Farewell America. From the introduction to the first excerpt:
Farewell America is pretty well accepted to have been authored by the French equivalent of our CIA, and based on hard intelligence gathered from French, Russian, and even American sources. It was originally published in French in 1968, but it was unavailable in the United States for many years. With the coming of the worldwide web, it became available and I truly wish that every American citizen would read it.Laura Knight-Jadczyk has extracted the most telling sections of this report in a seven-part series on her blog. Interwoven with these quotes are comments and analysis based on the knowledge we have since gained of how psychopathic personalities and ponerized organizations operate. If only Kennedy had had this understanding. Things may have been so different today.
The first post in the series on John F. Kennedy is entitled "The Debris of History."
The second is The Gladiator: John Fitzgerald Kennedy
The third installment discusses the question: Is the Bush family implicated in the assassination of John F. Kennedy? The French Intelligence unit has some interesting answers.
The fourth part discusses JFK's ideas for improving society and the forces working against him: Sim City and John F. Kennedy
Fifth is a discussion of "John F. Kennedy and All Those "isms". How did he really deal with capitalism, communism, socialism, and let's not forget, fascism?
Further illumination of this great man:
John F. Kennedy, J. Edgar Hoover, Organized Crime and the Global Village JFK had a grasp of the concept of the Global Village long before it became a wide-spread idea. Problem was, orgainzed crime liked things the way they were.
John F. Kennedy and the Psychopathology of Politics 'nuff said. The insights we have now regarding pyschopathy could have made a big difference to how Kennedy conducted policy.
"John F. Kennedy and the Pigs of War" discusses John F. Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs invasion. It may be that he was set up by forces within the government in bed with organized crime.
John F. Kennedy and the Titans. His attempt to bring the common people back into the political equation. A choice quote:
To his adversaries, President Kennedy's economic policies appeared to be inspired entirely by a concern for public welfare to which they were fundamentally opposed.Who since has fought for us? Who can take up his goals but us?
A series to both sadden and inspire.
Blue Ibis
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Voted Democrat?? Hope You Didn't Waste the Champagne . . .
Because there's no reason to celebrate. Here in the reality-based world, shifting the balance from the Republicrats to the Demopublicans is going change dick. As the article below puts it, only the names on the lobbyist's cheques will change.
Blue Ibis
Signs of the Times for Fri, 10 Nov 2006
Field of Screams - The Real 2006 Election Winners and Losers
Joel S. Hirschhorn
Forget political correctness. The revolution has NOT arrived! Bush is still president. The corporate state is safe. The Upper Class has little to fear. Lobbyists will be writing different names on checks. Winning Democrats will entertain more than they will produce historic restorative reforms. Did Republicans deserve to lose? Of course!
However, Americans who thought their votes would bring much needed change to our political system also lost. They just don't know or admit it yet. As usual, the third-party movement lost, because the two-party duopoly maintained its stranglehold on our political system. Populists and true progressives lost. Who or what was the biggest winner? The short-term and delusional tactic of lesser-evil voting won big.
On the liberal left, millions of anti-Bush, anti-Iraq war voters held their noses, repressed the truth about cowardly and compromised Democrats. They rationalized why beating Republicans was the most important goal. Fake, neo-progressives, little more than embarrassed Democrats, finally showed their true blue commitment. On the right, millions of fiscal conservative, pro-life, and evangelical voters blocked out many facts, disappointments and scandals, and rationalized why keeping Republicans in power was the most important goal. They wanted to stay the course. Many spiritual libertarians given no Libertarian Party candidates went red. Spiritual greens went blue. Many independents, centrists and moderates unable to vote for None of the Above, went lesser-evil. Self-delusion ran rampant as placebo voting ruled the day.
Mainstream media and Internet sites whipped up sports-like-beat-the-other-team enthusiasm masquerading as civic responsibility and patriotism. Political pundits, negative ads, and bloggers kept us entertained. The recipients of some $2 billion spent on campaigning made out like bandits. The postal system benefited. Landfills filled up faster from all the political junk mail. Despite all the hoopla, however, the majority of eligible voters were not motivated to vote. Do not ignore this sobering fact: It is estimated that national voter turnout was slightly over 40 percent, compared to 39.7 percent in the 2002 midterm. Two-party dominance does not bring out voters, and many Americans reject lesser-evil voting. Low voter turnout defines the opportunity for renewed new third-party efforts.
This much is clear: Voting has become more of a distraction from dealing with real problems confronting ordinary Americans, than a means to solving them. Voting should mean more than helping your side win. When it only comes down to defeating one party so that the other one wins, lesser-evil voting produces a different color of evil.
Two-party partisan change is not about attacking the status quo; it is about preserving the worst status quo of all: two-party control. Transferring power between the two major parties creates the dangerous illusion that our democracy works. The winner gets more money from corporate interests and their turn at pork spending, easier corrupt behavior and self-serving legislation.
Visualize this: Over decades our democracy has been sliding down a cheese grater. Stopping the slide and putting the pieces back together will require a mighty effort. Our wicked, unjust economy now uses consumer spending to destroy working- and middle-class Americans, increase economic inequality, and turn us into a two-class society with Upper and Lower Classes. Our government is an embarrassment, justifying global hatred of the USA. With so many voters unsure that their votes on electronic devices would be accurately counted, our electoral process is a joke. Hypocrisy trumps democracy.
This year, lesser-evil voting vented considerable anger, frustration and despair over the worst presidency in our history. In their hearts, however, the majority of Americans, no matter who they voted for, know that our nation will most likely remain on the wrong track. If political dissent becomes muted, then this election has cost us dearly. If anything, we still have dissent deficit.
In a Jeffersonian sense, we the people lost this election. Our delusional democracy with its delusional prosperity has survived. Our culture of lying and corruption has prevailed. Campaign promises will now be either forgotten or converted into deception and lies. We just heard a disgraced evangelical leader admit he was a "deceiver and a liar." Our winning and losing politicians, especially President Bush, will not make that same confession, though they should.
We should not be surprised that we have a delusional president; he suits a delusional democracy. Some do get the government they deserve, but most of us do not.
Power to the people remains a distant political goal. We now move on to the next cycle of lies and lesser-evil voting - the 2008 presidential campaign, that the Republicans are now more motivated than ever to win. Worse than not admitting the emperor has no clothes is not seeing a whole democracy without trustworthiness, accountability and credibility.
You are thinking "What a cynic he is." But I see it as reality based, anti-delusional thinking. I take small comfort in knowing that I am not alone. Despite being anti-Bush, I could not become an enthusiastic supporter of Democrats. After decades of lesser-evil voting I found my inner conscience and commitment to political dissent, to what I call progressive civil disobedience.
Decades of empirical evidence had shown me that neither Democrats nor Republicans would ever deliver quality to our democracy and justice to our economy. Yes, I went and voted, for third-party candidates that were uniformly more qualified than the major party candidates, and on ballot measures. I asked for a paper ballot, but was told it was not an option.
Long live delusion. May it protect the millions of Americans without good paying jobs or job security, without health insurance, without confidence that they will be able to keep paying their mortgages and credit card debt, without hope that global warming will be effectively addressed, without confidence that social security will be there when they need it; and without hope that their children will have a better, higher quality of life than theirs. And surely few believe that political corruption and scandals are now gone. If all politics are local, so is all corruption.
Lesser-evil voting has brought us here, to a lesser-quality democracy with a lesser-quality government, lesser-quality economy, lesser-quality health care system, and lesser-quality education system.
Under two-party rule, we have arrived at the sorry state where nearly 75 percent of Americans believe the nation faces a leadership crisis, according to a new survey. It also found evidence of an epidemic of self-delusion. People think that among the top 32 industrialized nations the U.S. ranks 10th for citizens' life expectancy, when it really ranks 24th; that is ranks 15th for economic equality and mathematics literacy, when it actually ranks 30th and 25th, respectively. Being the only superpower is one thing. Being the best democracy is something else entirely.
Despite widespread delusion pain seeps through. So the pharmaceutical industry will make bigger profits from even greater demand for anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and new anti-obesity drugs. Shopping, eating, Internet surfing, pornography and gambling will keep feeding distraction. The rich and super-rich will keep finding ways to spend their super-sized wealth, and avoid taxes. American soldiers will keep dying in senseless wars. Globalization, pushed by sycophants like Tom Friedman (who lives in a $9 million house), will keep sucking the lifeblood out of our nation, as will hoards of illegal immigrants. Americans have no nearby richer country to flee to, so we must numb our pain.
Long live delusion. Our new congress will surely keep us entertained. Behind the scenes lobbyists will create new, less visible ways to corrupt our elected MISrepresentatives. There will be much talk about our lame duck president, but not about our lame duck democracy.
Tell me, to begin a Second American Revolution, when will millions of clear-minded dissenters unite behind a new centrist or populist party and take back our nation?
You will decide, through attention or distraction, through truth or delusion, through action or passivity.
Let us not forget that a MAJORITY of Americans did NOT speak with their votes. They rejected both Democrats and Republicans. That only 40 percent bothered to vote, especially this year, shames our nation and confirms that we have a delusional democracy.
And remember this wisdom: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Our behind-the-scenes Ruling Class remains; they will now speed dial more Democrats.
Comment on this article at the SOTT forum. One of the liveliest and most intelligent places on the world wide web!
Election Fraud
Tom Friedman
Blue Ibis
Signs of the Times for Fri, 10 Nov 2006
Field of Screams - The Real 2006 Election Winners and Losers
Joel S. Hirschhorn
Forget political correctness. The revolution has NOT arrived! Bush is still president. The corporate state is safe. The Upper Class has little to fear. Lobbyists will be writing different names on checks. Winning Democrats will entertain more than they will produce historic restorative reforms. Did Republicans deserve to lose? Of course!
However, Americans who thought their votes would bring much needed change to our political system also lost. They just don't know or admit it yet. As usual, the third-party movement lost, because the two-party duopoly maintained its stranglehold on our political system. Populists and true progressives lost. Who or what was the biggest winner? The short-term and delusional tactic of lesser-evil voting won big.
On the liberal left, millions of anti-Bush, anti-Iraq war voters held their noses, repressed the truth about cowardly and compromised Democrats. They rationalized why beating Republicans was the most important goal. Fake, neo-progressives, little more than embarrassed Democrats, finally showed their true blue commitment. On the right, millions of fiscal conservative, pro-life, and evangelical voters blocked out many facts, disappointments and scandals, and rationalized why keeping Republicans in power was the most important goal. They wanted to stay the course. Many spiritual libertarians given no Libertarian Party candidates went red. Spiritual greens went blue. Many independents, centrists and moderates unable to vote for None of the Above, went lesser-evil. Self-delusion ran rampant as placebo voting ruled the day.
Mainstream media and Internet sites whipped up sports-like-beat-the-other-team enthusiasm masquerading as civic responsibility and patriotism. Political pundits, negative ads, and bloggers kept us entertained. The recipients of some $2 billion spent on campaigning made out like bandits. The postal system benefited. Landfills filled up faster from all the political junk mail. Despite all the hoopla, however, the majority of eligible voters were not motivated to vote. Do not ignore this sobering fact: It is estimated that national voter turnout was slightly over 40 percent, compared to 39.7 percent in the 2002 midterm. Two-party dominance does not bring out voters, and many Americans reject lesser-evil voting. Low voter turnout defines the opportunity for renewed new third-party efforts.
This much is clear: Voting has become more of a distraction from dealing with real problems confronting ordinary Americans, than a means to solving them. Voting should mean more than helping your side win. When it only comes down to defeating one party so that the other one wins, lesser-evil voting produces a different color of evil.
Two-party partisan change is not about attacking the status quo; it is about preserving the worst status quo of all: two-party control. Transferring power between the two major parties creates the dangerous illusion that our democracy works. The winner gets more money from corporate interests and their turn at pork spending, easier corrupt behavior and self-serving legislation.
Visualize this: Over decades our democracy has been sliding down a cheese grater. Stopping the slide and putting the pieces back together will require a mighty effort. Our wicked, unjust economy now uses consumer spending to destroy working- and middle-class Americans, increase economic inequality, and turn us into a two-class society with Upper and Lower Classes. Our government is an embarrassment, justifying global hatred of the USA. With so many voters unsure that their votes on electronic devices would be accurately counted, our electoral process is a joke. Hypocrisy trumps democracy.
This year, lesser-evil voting vented considerable anger, frustration and despair over the worst presidency in our history. In their hearts, however, the majority of Americans, no matter who they voted for, know that our nation will most likely remain on the wrong track. If political dissent becomes muted, then this election has cost us dearly. If anything, we still have dissent deficit.
In a Jeffersonian sense, we the people lost this election. Our delusional democracy with its delusional prosperity has survived. Our culture of lying and corruption has prevailed. Campaign promises will now be either forgotten or converted into deception and lies. We just heard a disgraced evangelical leader admit he was a "deceiver and a liar." Our winning and losing politicians, especially President Bush, will not make that same confession, though they should.
We should not be surprised that we have a delusional president; he suits a delusional democracy. Some do get the government they deserve, but most of us do not.
Power to the people remains a distant political goal. We now move on to the next cycle of lies and lesser-evil voting - the 2008 presidential campaign, that the Republicans are now more motivated than ever to win. Worse than not admitting the emperor has no clothes is not seeing a whole democracy without trustworthiness, accountability and credibility.
You are thinking "What a cynic he is." But I see it as reality based, anti-delusional thinking. I take small comfort in knowing that I am not alone. Despite being anti-Bush, I could not become an enthusiastic supporter of Democrats. After decades of lesser-evil voting I found my inner conscience and commitment to political dissent, to what I call progressive civil disobedience.
Decades of empirical evidence had shown me that neither Democrats nor Republicans would ever deliver quality to our democracy and justice to our economy. Yes, I went and voted, for third-party candidates that were uniformly more qualified than the major party candidates, and on ballot measures. I asked for a paper ballot, but was told it was not an option.
Long live delusion. May it protect the millions of Americans without good paying jobs or job security, without health insurance, without confidence that they will be able to keep paying their mortgages and credit card debt, without hope that global warming will be effectively addressed, without confidence that social security will be there when they need it; and without hope that their children will have a better, higher quality of life than theirs. And surely few believe that political corruption and scandals are now gone. If all politics are local, so is all corruption.
Lesser-evil voting has brought us here, to a lesser-quality democracy with a lesser-quality government, lesser-quality economy, lesser-quality health care system, and lesser-quality education system.
Under two-party rule, we have arrived at the sorry state where nearly 75 percent of Americans believe the nation faces a leadership crisis, according to a new survey. It also found evidence of an epidemic of self-delusion. People think that among the top 32 industrialized nations the U.S. ranks 10th for citizens' life expectancy, when it really ranks 24th; that is ranks 15th for economic equality and mathematics literacy, when it actually ranks 30th and 25th, respectively. Being the only superpower is one thing. Being the best democracy is something else entirely.
Despite widespread delusion pain seeps through. So the pharmaceutical industry will make bigger profits from even greater demand for anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and new anti-obesity drugs. Shopping, eating, Internet surfing, pornography and gambling will keep feeding distraction. The rich and super-rich will keep finding ways to spend their super-sized wealth, and avoid taxes. American soldiers will keep dying in senseless wars. Globalization, pushed by sycophants like Tom Friedman (who lives in a $9 million house), will keep sucking the lifeblood out of our nation, as will hoards of illegal immigrants. Americans have no nearby richer country to flee to, so we must numb our pain.
Long live delusion. Our new congress will surely keep us entertained. Behind the scenes lobbyists will create new, less visible ways to corrupt our elected MISrepresentatives. There will be much talk about our lame duck president, but not about our lame duck democracy.
Tell me, to begin a Second American Revolution, when will millions of clear-minded dissenters unite behind a new centrist or populist party and take back our nation?
You will decide, through attention or distraction, through truth or delusion, through action or passivity.
Let us not forget that a MAJORITY of Americans did NOT speak with their votes. They rejected both Democrats and Republicans. That only 40 percent bothered to vote, especially this year, shames our nation and confirms that we have a delusional democracy.
And remember this wisdom: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Our behind-the-scenes Ruling Class remains; they will now speed dial more Democrats.
Comment on this article at the SOTT forum. One of the liveliest and most intelligent places on the world wide web!
Election Fraud
Tom Friedman
Monday, November 06, 2006
Beit Hanoun, the testimony of a young Palestinian:
"They shoot at anything that moves"
Silvia Cattori
3 November 2006
"Bein Hanoun, with 30,000 inhabitants, has been the target of daily aggressions and air strikes since June 25. It is now besieged by Israeli troops. We have seen the tanks advance and take up their positions. We are now encircled by about 70 tanks and at least 450 soldiers who announce that the city is a "closed military zone". That means that no one can leave. No one can flee. It is an offensive based on those carried out in the West Bank in 2002.
We have no water, no electricity. We hide in the remote corners of our houses. Ambulances are not authorized to enter into this occupied and closed zone. The soldiers have circled the houses they want to invade. They occupied the houses and they shut up the families in one room. Now they are using then as forts. They use explosives to pierce holes in the walls, they blow off doors, and the people are terrified. They shoot anyone that moves.
Yesterday they fired on people that were seeking shelter, who were not armed, who were not in fighting positions. They shot them in the back, and when one was wounded and wanted to flee, they killed him. Those who wanted to collect his body were targets as well. In numerous cases, ambulances couldn't go to the aid of the wounded. Children who slip out from their parent's watch or that look out the windows are killed by Israeli soldiers positioned on the roofs and balconies of the houses they occupy.
They have the green light from Bush to kill us, and those politicians that affirm that Israel "has the right to defend itself". They use arms that transform the dead and wounded into something monstrous. The wounds provoked by the missiles launched from the drones are very impressive. They are like razor cuts; the legs, the feet, the hands all cleanly cut. They are as horrifying as wounds from an M-16. The soldiers have orders to shoot at the upper body. They aim at the chest, near the heart, the head.
The victims are mostly civilians, killed or wounded in the throat, the neck, the chest, the head, even though they were in their houses. They shoot at people running in fear, who are trying to save themselves. We have lost any notion of time; we have no idea how long we have been caught in this war. We feel lost. There are planes that bomb us, drones ready to fire their missiles over our heads. They control the entire zone. With the droning of the drones, we always have the feeling of having a bee buzzing in our ears. It is really disturbing.
There is no one to defend us. We don't have an army. We have only our parents to defend us, knowing that they are going to their deaths and that they cannot defend us. This new aggression is horrible especially for the children who are very numerous here. They are forced to stay couped up inside, they are terrorized, and they cry when there are bombings. At any moment we can learn there are people killed, there are people wounded who are bathed in their own blood, that people don't know how to stop the hemorrhaging, and that the ambulances can't give them any aid without being hampered.
The Israelis say that are waging this offensive to prevent the entry of arms from Egypt. That is false. Nothing can enter. In Gaza, there are only rifles that can do nothing against the Apache helicopters and the Merkawa tanks of the Israeli army. The only arms of war in Gaza are those delivered by Israel and the United States to Dahlan, who is Abu Mazen's man, the most feared man in Gaza. He is at the head of the forces that have, for months now, created the troubles to topple the Hamas government.
Yesterday, through their loud speakers the soldiers summoned all the young men fifteen years and older leave their houses. Then, sector by sector, they searched the houses and brought them out, handcuffed, and took them to a place where they certainly forced them to strip, as they did in Betlaya in June. They leave the men in their underwear. For an Oriential, it is the worst of humiliations. They might as well kill us.
We think that after Beit Hanoun they will attack Betlaya, and then Jabaliya and do what they have done here: search house by house. Beit Hanoun, like Rafah, are very vulnerable zones because they are geographically separated from other inhabited areas. They are therefore easy to isolate from the rest of Gaza.
This morning, the women went out to come to the aid of their sons or husbands threatened by the armored cars that encircled the Mosque. The women defied the Apaches and the armored vehicles. For us, it was a tremendous moment. We felt like we were wrapped up in a veil of humanity. It was very moving to see these women ready to die to save their sons and husbands. They continued on without hesitation, and the soldiers, who hadn't expected this, were disoriented. Because of this effect of surprise, they succeeded, saving the lives of these fighters. They demonstrated that people with empty hands could defeat the largest army in the world. We took it as a message to the men of the Arab countries who remain silent. These women said, by their gesture, "There, in the face of your cowardice, Palestinian women by themselves are in the process of fighting for the release of their men who are besieged by the enemies of the Arabs, Israel." "[End of report.]
They are making war on civilians and the world doesn't know.
This young Palestinian who recounted the above in a low voice breaks our heart. He could render no greater homage to these heroic women. I think that everyone who saw the images of these women was shaken. The women threw themselves down the long avenue, uncovered, empty handed, defying the helicopters and the armored vehicles, in order to protect their men. The soldiers fired on them, but the women continued and arrived at their goal. The soldiers who were firing from the armored vehicles on these harmless women are monsters.
"Israel has the right to defend itself" responded the former ambassador Elie Barnavi to a journalist from France Culture this morning when asked about the meaning of the Israeli offensive in the north of Gaza. The right to defend themselves against what? There is no Palestinian army facing them. There is only a people being massacred day after day by the best equipped army in the world. And the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves.
It is to the Palestinian people, the victims of the massacres, that we should be asking what it means to live under the Israeli military offensive, and not to ambassadors of the Jewish State of Israel, ambassadors who will never tell you, when it comes to Arab lives, of the suffering and anxiety of children thrown into the dreadful chaos, of the women who have no idea how to protect them, of the elderly who impotently submit, of babies wailing, of pregnant women who fear for their unborn children, of the wounded, the dead, the mothers who cry for their men, who feel humiliated that they cannot defend their children, the doctors who can no longer support the rivers of blood and the wounded added to the wounded in their poorly equipped hospitals.
These "terrorists", these "activists" that Israel is fighting, these are Palestinians, the authentic residents of the nation that Israel wiped off the map. These are women of all ages who brave the tanks to protect their sons. These are children who die in their beds or playing by the front door. These are fathers, brothers, cousins, and spouses summarily executed because Israel has put them on their "wanted" lists. These are desperate young people who, to defend their dignity, have only rifles and rudimentary rockets, and who know full well that they are going to their deaths when they put their nose outside. Like the child Bara' Riyad Fayyad, 4 years old, killed on Thursday in front of the door of her house. These are normal people who voted democratically against the corrupt authorities of Fatah.
"Where are our Arab brothers?", cries a Palestinian in front of a camera.
Yes, where is the world? The "international community" says nothing say shocked people who watch all of this with horror and don't understand the silence. But the "international community", so often invoked, is only an empty word. The UN, ever since the fall of the USSR, is nothing but an instrument in the hands of the US superpower.
In fact, the "international community" is us, all of us. It is the associations that are unfortunately more attached to protecting the Jewish State of Israel than defending the right of existence of the Palestinians and their right to return to their rightful home. It is the political parties of every tendency, too preoccupied by their electoral success. It is our elected officials who don't dare criticize Israel out of fear of being accused of anti-Semitism. It is the journalists who disinform public opinion and cover up the crimes of state.
Silvia Cattori
3 November 2006
Translation: Signs of the Times
Palestine Occupation
Bein Hanoun
Silvia Cattori
Gaza Occupation
Abu Mazen
Silvia Cattori
3 November 2006
"Bein Hanoun, with 30,000 inhabitants, has been the target of daily aggressions and air strikes since June 25. It is now besieged by Israeli troops. We have seen the tanks advance and take up their positions. We are now encircled by about 70 tanks and at least 450 soldiers who announce that the city is a "closed military zone". That means that no one can leave. No one can flee. It is an offensive based on those carried out in the West Bank in 2002.
We have no water, no electricity. We hide in the remote corners of our houses. Ambulances are not authorized to enter into this occupied and closed zone. The soldiers have circled the houses they want to invade. They occupied the houses and they shut up the families in one room. Now they are using then as forts. They use explosives to pierce holes in the walls, they blow off doors, and the people are terrified. They shoot anyone that moves.
Yesterday they fired on people that were seeking shelter, who were not armed, who were not in fighting positions. They shot them in the back, and when one was wounded and wanted to flee, they killed him. Those who wanted to collect his body were targets as well. In numerous cases, ambulances couldn't go to the aid of the wounded. Children who slip out from their parent's watch or that look out the windows are killed by Israeli soldiers positioned on the roofs and balconies of the houses they occupy.
They have the green light from Bush to kill us, and those politicians that affirm that Israel "has the right to defend itself". They use arms that transform the dead and wounded into something monstrous. The wounds provoked by the missiles launched from the drones are very impressive. They are like razor cuts; the legs, the feet, the hands all cleanly cut. They are as horrifying as wounds from an M-16. The soldiers have orders to shoot at the upper body. They aim at the chest, near the heart, the head.
The victims are mostly civilians, killed or wounded in the throat, the neck, the chest, the head, even though they were in their houses. They shoot at people running in fear, who are trying to save themselves. We have lost any notion of time; we have no idea how long we have been caught in this war. We feel lost. There are planes that bomb us, drones ready to fire their missiles over our heads. They control the entire zone. With the droning of the drones, we always have the feeling of having a bee buzzing in our ears. It is really disturbing.
There is no one to defend us. We don't have an army. We have only our parents to defend us, knowing that they are going to their deaths and that they cannot defend us. This new aggression is horrible especially for the children who are very numerous here. They are forced to stay couped up inside, they are terrorized, and they cry when there are bombings. At any moment we can learn there are people killed, there are people wounded who are bathed in their own blood, that people don't know how to stop the hemorrhaging, and that the ambulances can't give them any aid without being hampered.
The Israelis say that are waging this offensive to prevent the entry of arms from Egypt. That is false. Nothing can enter. In Gaza, there are only rifles that can do nothing against the Apache helicopters and the Merkawa tanks of the Israeli army. The only arms of war in Gaza are those delivered by Israel and the United States to Dahlan, who is Abu Mazen's man, the most feared man in Gaza. He is at the head of the forces that have, for months now, created the troubles to topple the Hamas government.
Yesterday, through their loud speakers the soldiers summoned all the young men fifteen years and older leave their houses. Then, sector by sector, they searched the houses and brought them out, handcuffed, and took them to a place where they certainly forced them to strip, as they did in Betlaya in June. They leave the men in their underwear. For an Oriential, it is the worst of humiliations. They might as well kill us.
We think that after Beit Hanoun they will attack Betlaya, and then Jabaliya and do what they have done here: search house by house. Beit Hanoun, like Rafah, are very vulnerable zones because they are geographically separated from other inhabited areas. They are therefore easy to isolate from the rest of Gaza.
This morning, the women went out to come to the aid of their sons or husbands threatened by the armored cars that encircled the Mosque. The women defied the Apaches and the armored vehicles. For us, it was a tremendous moment. We felt like we were wrapped up in a veil of humanity. It was very moving to see these women ready to die to save their sons and husbands. They continued on without hesitation, and the soldiers, who hadn't expected this, were disoriented. Because of this effect of surprise, they succeeded, saving the lives of these fighters. They demonstrated that people with empty hands could defeat the largest army in the world. We took it as a message to the men of the Arab countries who remain silent. These women said, by their gesture, "There, in the face of your cowardice, Palestinian women by themselves are in the process of fighting for the release of their men who are besieged by the enemies of the Arabs, Israel." "[End of report.]
They are making war on civilians and the world doesn't know.
This young Palestinian who recounted the above in a low voice breaks our heart. He could render no greater homage to these heroic women. I think that everyone who saw the images of these women was shaken. The women threw themselves down the long avenue, uncovered, empty handed, defying the helicopters and the armored vehicles, in order to protect their men. The soldiers fired on them, but the women continued and arrived at their goal. The soldiers who were firing from the armored vehicles on these harmless women are monsters.
"Israel has the right to defend itself" responded the former ambassador Elie Barnavi to a journalist from France Culture this morning when asked about the meaning of the Israeli offensive in the north of Gaza. The right to defend themselves against what? There is no Palestinian army facing them. There is only a people being massacred day after day by the best equipped army in the world. And the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves.
It is to the Palestinian people, the victims of the massacres, that we should be asking what it means to live under the Israeli military offensive, and not to ambassadors of the Jewish State of Israel, ambassadors who will never tell you, when it comes to Arab lives, of the suffering and anxiety of children thrown into the dreadful chaos, of the women who have no idea how to protect them, of the elderly who impotently submit, of babies wailing, of pregnant women who fear for their unborn children, of the wounded, the dead, the mothers who cry for their men, who feel humiliated that they cannot defend their children, the doctors who can no longer support the rivers of blood and the wounded added to the wounded in their poorly equipped hospitals.
These "terrorists", these "activists" that Israel is fighting, these are Palestinians, the authentic residents of the nation that Israel wiped off the map. These are women of all ages who brave the tanks to protect their sons. These are children who die in their beds or playing by the front door. These are fathers, brothers, cousins, and spouses summarily executed because Israel has put them on their "wanted" lists. These are desperate young people who, to defend their dignity, have only rifles and rudimentary rockets, and who know full well that they are going to their deaths when they put their nose outside. Like the child Bara' Riyad Fayyad, 4 years old, killed on Thursday in front of the door of her house. These are normal people who voted democratically against the corrupt authorities of Fatah.
"Where are our Arab brothers?", cries a Palestinian in front of a camera.
Yes, where is the world? The "international community" says nothing say shocked people who watch all of this with horror and don't understand the silence. But the "international community", so often invoked, is only an empty word. The UN, ever since the fall of the USSR, is nothing but an instrument in the hands of the US superpower.
In fact, the "international community" is us, all of us. It is the associations that are unfortunately more attached to protecting the Jewish State of Israel than defending the right of existence of the Palestinians and their right to return to their rightful home. It is the political parties of every tendency, too preoccupied by their electoral success. It is our elected officials who don't dare criticize Israel out of fear of being accused of anti-Semitism. It is the journalists who disinform public opinion and cover up the crimes of state.
Silvia Cattori
3 November 2006
Translation: Signs of the Times
Palestine Occupation
Bein Hanoun
Silvia Cattori
Gaza Occupation
Abu Mazen
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Remember, Remember the 5th of November
A timely article both for the date it was published (9/11/06) and the date it commemorates. Bonus feature included! The posters and postcards below are given in the name of the freedoms we are rapidly losing. Download and distribute them far and wide.
Blue Ibis
Give Them a 5th of November They'll Never Forget !
No music, no explosions, no violence - just one huge mass of people standing together and shouting in one thundering voice: ENOUGH!
How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will hopefully be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. We know why you did it. We know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you.
Do you remember how the meaning of words began to change? How unfamiliar words like "collateral" and "rendition" became frightening, while things like "pre-emptive war" and Homeland Security became powerful? Let's face it: the mainstream media and their good buddies in the political realm have a LOT of advertising dollars. The leaders say it, the mainstream media propagates it, and before you know it, everyone believes that Saddam is linked to 9/11 and Osama is under your bed!
It works like magic.
Well, we've got a little magic of our own. Words also offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the annunciation of truth. And truth is what we bring you, day in and day out, at Signs of the Times. We at SOTT rely on YOU. If you like what you see, if you're tired of the lies and BS coming out of capitols around the world, if you're tired of being constantly afraid, you CAN DO something about it: Spread the Word!
We encourage you to grab all the following flyers and spread them far and wide:
E-mail them to your friends and family!
Print them out and post them everywhere!
Fill the offices of your "representatives" in government!
Air drop them on entire countries!
Use them as your desktop wallpaper at home and at work!
Invite your friends over for a V for Vendetta party and then show them this page!
Don your figurative mask and cloak and by the 5th of November, Signs of the Times will be a household name, along with words like "psychopathy" and "ponerology".
Together, we can replace the terror in the heart of humanity with HOPE for a different future - a future in which WE ALL count!
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All images copyright 2006 by Signs of the Times.
Crop circle images copyright 2006 by www.temporarytemples.co.uk.
Blue Ibis
Give Them a 5th of November They'll Never Forget !
No music, no explosions, no violence - just one huge mass of people standing together and shouting in one thundering voice: ENOUGH!
How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will hopefully be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. We know why you did it. We know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you.
Do you remember how the meaning of words began to change? How unfamiliar words like "collateral" and "rendition" became frightening, while things like "pre-emptive war" and Homeland Security became powerful? Let's face it: the mainstream media and their good buddies in the political realm have a LOT of advertising dollars. The leaders say it, the mainstream media propagates it, and before you know it, everyone believes that Saddam is linked to 9/11 and Osama is under your bed!
It works like magic.
Well, we've got a little magic of our own. Words also offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the annunciation of truth. And truth is what we bring you, day in and day out, at Signs of the Times. We at SOTT rely on YOU. If you like what you see, if you're tired of the lies and BS coming out of capitols around the world, if you're tired of being constantly afraid, you CAN DO something about it: Spread the Word!
We encourage you to grab all the following flyers and spread them far and wide:
E-mail them to your friends and family!
Print them out and post them everywhere!
Fill the offices of your "representatives" in government!
Air drop them on entire countries!
Use them as your desktop wallpaper at home and at work!
Invite your friends over for a V for Vendetta party and then show them this page!
Don your figurative mask and cloak and by the 5th of November, Signs of the Times will be a household name, along with words like "psychopathy" and "ponerology".
Together, we can replace the terror in the heart of humanity with HOPE for a different future - a future in which WE ALL count!
[Click the images for the full-size version]

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(1240 x 1754, 761 kb)
All images copyright 2006 by Signs of the Times.
Crop circle images copyright 2006 by www.temporarytemples.co.uk.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
SOTT: Giving Voice to the Censored
An article (thoughtfully withheld from you by the MSM) that spells out what you probably suspected all along, but couldn't bring yourself to admit. The chaos and suffering around you is PLANNED. What will you DO about it?
Knowledge Protects. Ignorance endangers.
Blue Ibis
America's Darkest Secret
Martha Rose Crow M.S.
The Nine Stages of American Autogenocide
What Autogenocide Means
Auto comes from the Greek reflexive pronoun while genocide comes from the Latin words gens meaning "race, tribe" and -cidere meaning "kill." (source: http://wikipedia.org)
American Autogenocide is the deliberate, systematic and legal murder of American citizens by socially-engineering the die-off of populations that are "problematic" for the interests of wealth and power. Most victims prematurely die from social forces targeted at them to cause them to wear out by stress. This process is called "Weathering Away" or "Attrition By Stress."
Although it has to be "legal," autogenocide is always committed under the radar so the media won't be compelled to report it and so the people won't see it or understand it. More, the genocide is blamed on the victims and their deaths are hidden-attributed-to other causes rather than the primary one of autogenocide.
What is different between this genocide and other genocides is that this unique genocide doesn't produce mass graves. Instead, the victims are spread over a large geographic area and buried singly, thereby hiding the body count. This keeps the deaths sanitized and homogenized. It also keeps the autogenocide surreal; thus enabling the village to deny It's existence when clues to It's existence are ambundant and abundantly transparent.
Six Primary Factors to Genocide
There are six primary factors underlying genocide. First, there is an overpopulation of people from groups that are not economically or socially important and/or viable to the political and economic elite.
Second, genocides usually happen in times of shortages. The shortage behind the current American autogenocide is work. America is losing jobs while the population continues to grow. The wealthy and industry are loathe to pay taxes to support negative or low producers (useless eaters) because the costs of maintaining these people (via increased taxes and social costs) affects their profits and earnings.
More, when there are too many people in times of great shortages, they become restless and can group together to force democratic and social changes the economic/political/military elite don't want and work tirelessly and relentlessly against.
The third factor is that genocides are common to patriarchal societies. The stronger the institutional and cultural patriarchy, the stronger the chances for acts of genocide to exist, whether external or internal.
Threat to power (now or in the future) is the fourth underlying factor of genocide. For example, approximately one-third of all Americans are minorities and that number is expected to rise unless that population begins to die off. If minorities become the majority, the old, established rule of the country by white male elite will not hold for long unless the country becomes a dictatorship.
The fifth primary factor to genocide is that women and children are the primary targets. Women are exterminated because of their fertility. Eliminate them and the next generation of unwanted people will automatically be eliminated or at least be considerably downsized. This applies to the elimination of children as well.
Six, modern autogenocides don't happen without the help of the media. They constantly distribute the propaganda preparing the village psyche for acceptance of the deaths. They officially ignore the suffering and premature death, thus lending approval to its justification and execution.
As good servants to the status quo, the media "hides" the parts of America the ruling and economic elite don't want the majority of the village to see. Only when a fluke thing happens, like an Act of God like Hurricane Katrina, will America see its other, darker side. Now even that has faded and become buried as the national media has mostly forgotten it at the request of their elite masters. Autogenocide has to be hidden until all the people that are considered liabilities (debit people) in the books of the Patriarchal Capitalist Country are disappeared.
Five Types of Genocide
Roger Smith (1999) identified five genocide typologies. They are as follows: retributive genocide; institutional genocide; utilitarian genocide; monopolistic genocide; and, ideological genocide.
Retributive genocide may play a role in all genocide. It is usually rare as a principle motive and used mainly as a rationalization. It usually flows from the dehumanization attached to victims.
Institutional genocide was politically sanctioned mass murder in ancient and medieval times. It is a universal result of conquest and is an inherent form of warfare. It is motivated by the desire to terrorize and exert dominative power and eliminate any possible retaliation.
Utilitarian genocide was very prominent from the 16th to 19th centuries. It is used for the colonial domination and exploitation of indigenous peoples, although many would argue that the free market system dominates and exploits all groups of people who have no economic or political power. The basic proposition of utilitarian genocide is that some people must die so others can live well and the major force driving it is ethnocentrism and greed.
The most frequent cause of genocide in the 20th century and early 21st century has been the struggle to monopolize power. Monopolistic genocide is a tool for the elite to monopolize and centralize power in the hands of a few.
Most genocide prior to the 20th century was external with the goal of conquest and colonial expansion. Today, most genocide is internal or domestic (groups within the same territorial boundaries are destroyed). Issues not at stake in external genocide are the center of internal genocide: who belongs; who is to have voice in politics; what is the shape of the community; what should the purposes of community be.
The fifth type of genocide is ideological genocide. Religion usually provides a rationale. In many cases, the genocides are carried out to protect and defend a particular religious faith, including certain forms of nationalism.
Camus explained ideological genocide as a metaphysical revolt against humanity in which an attempt is made to create/reestablish a system providing for order and justice that humanity thought to be lacking. At the same time, ideological genocide strives for a type of salvation that strives to eliminate all that is perceived to be impure.
A Modern Genocide Usually Consists of More Than One Kind of Genocide
Most types of modern genocide are a hybrid of two or more kinds. For example, the Nazis committed retributive genocide as well as institutional, utilitarian, monopolistic and ideological genocide.
Retributive: The Jews had to be punished for killing Christ and for controlling finance. They and other "enemies of the state" had to be punished for running down decent society in general.
Institutional: Nazis mass-murdered large groups of people, usually with the help of locals. All was politically-sanctioned.
Utilitarian: Some people had to die so others could live well.
Monopolistic: Nazi Germany committed both external and internal genocide. A premiere reason behind this was to monopolize power.
Ideological: Untermenchen (sub-humans) and other defective people were dragging German society down. Religion provided the perfect rationale as the early Christian fathers and Martin Luther wrote/instructed that the Jews killed Jesus, thus were a cursed and hated people. This was taught for millennia in churches and theological schools.
The modern American autogenocide is also a hybrid. Like the Nazis, it is a hybrid of all five types of genocide.
Retributive: Since Barry Goldwater in the 1960's, the conservatives have done nothing but attack and demonize/dehumanize the poor, until they lost all their perceived humanity. The lazy, tax-sucking, tax-dependent poor had to be morally "saved" by eliminating social safety nets so they would be "motivated to work" when in reality, there was little if any work for them and certainly no work that paid a living wage.
Institutional: The old, established order of elite males rule by terror or what is known as the "patriarchal authority of violence." Institutional genocide reinforces this kind of violence. The autogenocide going on in America right now is politically-sanctioned mass murder. It is politically sanctioned through legislation and through non-legislation (e.g., the continued dismantling of social programs when they are needed more than ever and lack of energy, motivation to reinstate them) and through patriarchal institutions. More, it is politically sanctioned by bureaucracies, male institutions and the corporate-owned media.
Utilitarian: Some people have to die so others can live well, including receiving more share of the community distribution of wealth and more chances for work.
Monopolistic: Autogenocide is internal genocide. The autogenocide being committed against Americans is done to keep the wealth and power in the hands of the established white male order for now and for the future. Think of it as negative, "preemptive" population control to keep the System as it has existed for over two hundred years for the next two hundred years.
Ideological: The conservative right claimed that the poor were dragging the country down morally and economically because they were costing society (living on welfare or getting some other public benefit) when in the "Land of Opportunity "anyone" who "really wanted" a job could get one. The right's "think-tanks" and other institutions launched and paid for "studies" to "prove" their ideologies in their favor. Afterwards, they flooded the social tapestry with "evidence" to sway public opinion in the corner of the right.
In the late 1990's, the American village was constantly covered in propaganda from the government and media proclaiming a "perfect economy" and bemoaning that there were not enough workers to fill all the jobs available. Years later, all of this has been disproved, but it still worked: Part of the American autogenocide became more ideological because of the enormous propaganda released in American communities to stir up civil wars and xenophobia.
Gregory H. Stanton presented his model of Eight Stages of Genocide to the Yale University Center for International and Area Studies in 1998. It is a fine model, but he missed the biggest and most important stage: The Decision to Kill. Whether singular or collective, the decision starts the genocide.
1. Decision. Like other forms of genocide, autogenocide is a process started from the top down. The planning begins at the top of the elite patriarchal hierarchy and works its way down the social pyramid to all levels through male channels.
The decision is made in a way so it is never traced all the way to the top. To this day, no paper has ever surfaced to tie Hitler directly to ordering the holocaust.
At least 95% of all communication is non-verbal, thus the language transforms into something else, something usually less concrete and more surreal. Non-verbal communication can (and usually does) becomes or evolves into one or more of the following forms: symbolic, semantic, rhetorical, allegorical, cryptographic, metamorphic, philosophical, psychological, hypnotic, controlling, patriarchal, oppressive, numerological, occult, erotic, homoerotic, theological, prophetic, epiphanic, spiritual, so forth. Many messages with double/triple meanings are woven/hidden within these forms on non-verbal communications.
Most of the messages for autogenocide are conveyed non-verbally, indirectly or through a third-person.
The order is usually "innocent" and done in an indirect way. The elite are always surrounded with males from upper social levels and these males lean on every one of their masters' words.
The order is usually given in an informal atmosphere where the ultra rich go. The order can be given at a club, a country club, smoking room, a fancy restaurant, a sauna, a dining or meeting room of an estate, an executive bathroom, on the golf course (where much of the world's fate has been decided for decades), at "charity" functions, posh parties of the rich, so forth.
There are always lower tiers of the elite at these places, including politicians, plus business and society journalists. The males of these upper groups, plus the media (that are basically owned by the elite) and other conveyers of culture are conditioned and socialized to hear and obey the males above them in the hierarchy. That is how patriarchies work and that is how the ruling patriarchs spread their messages.
The top elite male will start a conversation about one thing and segue it into something else that leads into the "problem." Afterwards, he will make his complaint in an indirect way. He hesitates for a few moments while changing his posture, then tone of voice into a more authoritarian one. After silently and discreetly checking for responses of the male faces in the room and to make sure the right ears are listening, he adds more power to his non-verbal language: he segues from a man to a divine person as he begins to talk like the biblical-type wise man/savior of the village. Although charismatic, his language-verbal and nonverbal- gain in authority, thus high patriarchy. He is at the top of the patriarchal chain, so he must exhibit a great amount of power in a subdued, but apparent way.
After he is sure the right male ears are listening, he begins his list of complaints to strengthen and justify his original complaint. The male ears at the table, urinal, golf club, country club, boardroom, fundraiser, so forth, listen and wait for the "solution" that is really a secret command in the world of males.
Then it comes. The Man of Power will make short, casual, "benign" remarks like, "Something has to be done about this," "The numbers (statistics of growing populations that threaten power) have to change,"or "Back in other times, they knew how to fix this" (it may sound nostalgic, but this is an indirect order to solve the "problem" by using classic patriarchal methods of rule, including the patriarchal authority of violence and genocide. Never once does the patriarch offer any concrete suggestions as to how the numbers of unwanted people are to be changed. This is a phenomenon of Denial, the Ninth Stage listed below.
It is up to the elite males below the aristocratic elite to carry out the order by creating and unleashing legal, social forces at the individual/s, groups, population, so forth, designated for removal.
Right from the beginning, the media is always there, helping in every way. They disseminate the propaganda, weaken opposition by various methods including direct and indirect demonizing of the victims and those individuals/groups who support them, as explained throughout this essay, so forth.
As the order for autogenocide goes through the male channels, it will be picked up and sculpted for palatable delivery in earnest politicians' speeches of the extreme right or in the speeches of those politicians who seek the support/help of the political right, including the Christian right.
The males from the other parts of the social pyramid hear it and if they agree (particularly if they benefit from white privilege), they will repeat the mantra until it is spread throughout the entire community. This starts the denial process of the community. When everyone is in denial, almost all will ignore the truth in front of them.
2. Classification. All cultures have categories to distinguish people into "us and them" by ethnicity, race, religion and most recently, nationality (e.g., muslims, middle-easterners that aren't Jews from Israel, illegal Hispanic workers, so forth).
In patriarchal hierarchies, every one has a class worth with another value that appraises women according to the set patriarchal beauty standards in the culture. In plutocracies, human value is awarded or subtracted by the wealth you own with race, gender and other categories factored in such as "good breeding."
Then there is monetary worth. Everything, from air to people, is for sale in the free market, thus everyone and everything in the capitalist marketplace has a monetary value. Insurance actuary tables prove this, but so does the recent settlement payments to the survivors of the 9/11 victims of the World Trade Center. Survivors of dishwashers (who worked in the fancy restaurants in the towers) received about $200,000 while survivors of bankers and stock brokers got at least ten times that.
In America, not only are Americans classified along race, gender, religion, age, so forth, they are also classified by their worth (or negative worth) to plutocracy and industry.
Having wealth can give you a better classification, but it didn't help the wealthy Jews in Nazi Berlin and it didn't help O.J. Simpson or Michael Jackson and a host of other wealthy people. That's because wealth doesn't always guarantee power. Power is held in select, white paternal hands. Oprah can buy some power with her wealth (opulent lifestyle and choices) but if she doesn't stay to the script (she's an entertainer, not a journalist), the males at the top of the media chain will pull the plug on her entertainment products.
Because its their System, aristocrats, whether titled, merchant or military, do not die of autogenocide unless a new type of government is installed.
3. Symbolization. Names or other symbols are given to the classifications (above) so they can be easily identified. Symbols can be concrete (e.g., a swastika, a "think tank" study that frames one of their issues against certain groups, so forth) or the symbolization can be opaque or invisible (e.g., a zip code).
Innuendoes, gossip, jokes, myths, half-truths, lies, propaganda, attacks and stories are spread throughout the community about selected individuals/groups/races/communities that are targeted for permanent removal.
4. Dehumanization. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder. One group denies the humanity of the other group. People to be destroyed are justified/equated as lesser forms of life. They are scapegoated as factors for lower quality of village life caused by political and economic corruption.
All the genocide propaganda comes from the conservative right in America, although it is silently supported by some members of the left. The representatives of the old order never stop demonizing people/victims that don't fit perfectly into the white patriarchal power model, the needs of industry and/or are a real/potential threat to established white patriarchal power.
The right-wing politicians, with right-wing "think-tanks" institutions and the media demonize the poor/minorities/independent women and spread patriarchal justification that these groups deserve "what" they get because they are dragging the rest of the villagers down.
Institutions that exist solely to promote the status quo (GOP, conservative "think-tanks," conservative media institutions, federalist societies, so forth) start executing skewed studies and statistical surveys whose conclusions always point in the favor of dehumanizing the groups that are to be permanently eliminated.
The media starts releasing and recycling the "conclusions" of the studies and surveys, while all the time, never questions their authenticity and procedure, nor probes to find out who funded it and why. More, the media is always blissfully ignorant of all the negative, hurricane-strength social forces it unleashes and creates when it broadcasts the dehumanizing information.
The media constantly reports the rise of bastard babies, violence, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, criminal activities, sexually transmitted diseases and other diseases: diseases associated with sloth, sexual promiscuous, filthy living conditions, thus connecting the targeted people as unhuman. The media either portrays these people as dangerous and as "carriers of disease," that threaten the larger society, or the media helps the village forget these people by ignoring them in their newscasts. This has been what's happening lately. By ignoring the other humans of the group, the media has dehumanized them because if these people were important to society, the media would be reporting on them and favorably about them like they do the middle and upper classes.
Conservative politicians jump on the bandwagon and denounce the traitorous citizens who "refuse" to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and join the homogenized, "melting pot," American family of workers. "Self-reliance" and "self-initiative" is stressed and the causes of un- or under-employment or the real amount of jobs available (or not available) is ever addressed.
The stronger group denies the humanity of the other group. The stronger group's rhetoric segues into arguing/selling the idea that the people to be eliminated from are less human and more like animals or insects, particularly (economic) leeches and (cockroach) people.
Welfare recipients are demonized by being called "welfare queens" by politicians and the media. Black males are demonized by being portrayed by the media as drug dealers, pimps and other kinds of criminals. White trash is made fun of. Jerry Springer and South Park are good examples of this, and any kind of fringe group are always the target of white comedians.
In Mel Brook's movie, The History of the World, Part I, there is a scene of Roman senators discussing the probability of funding housing for the poor when they all reach a conclusion: F**k the Poor! The Symbolization for genocide is everywhere in the American tapestry and it has been for a long time. Demonization and Symbolism for genocide were masked in Mel Brook's remarks in a 1983 movie that has been seen billions of times. Any time a powerless and/or helpless member of the human community is demonized by forces greater than them, it is a part of the symbolization process.
Laziness is considered worse than a disease in a society that continuously promotes a work ethic that primarily benefits well-connected white males. Laziness is connected to moral diseases (sloth, shamefulness, immorality, drug taking, drinking, bad health, so forth). Through twisted metamorphoses of the symbolic/symbiotic connection of those who don't work (for any reason) or are poor for any reason (because the world's richest nation is sold as the "land of opportunity" where "everyone" can get rich if they work hard enough), autogenocide is righteously sold and justified by Symbolism.
5. Organization. Because autogenocide has to be perceived as non-existent, it has to remain invisible. Thus, it has to be organized and spread by surreal methods such as symbols, innuendoes, urban myths, propaganda, other forms of non-direct, non-verbal communication and/or by "cocktails" (mixtures) of some or all methods. Messages for organization, propaganda, improved propaganda, so forth, for the autogenocide are presented and distributed regularly or daily on the internet. Gop.com and the conservative "think-tanks" are prime conveyers.
Right-wing radio, "think-tanks" and other conservative/patriarchal organizations begin to verbally attack and demonize the targeted people, but they never infer to their permanent removal. This would make the autogenocide transparent. Still, these organizations and institutions, plus the corporate-owned media, purposely spread xenophobia throughout the land.
Local, state, and national politicians begin demonizing the citizens to be culled. They write and pass legislation to start the Siege. They try to become blissfully ignorant of the suffering and death and even when they know the truth, they respond by doing nothing (premeditated non legislation). Politicians do this because this is not what the hidden elite want (their reasons will be discussed later).
The media, owned, dominated and run by members of the elite continue to hide the truth from the village or minimize it when the truth comes to fore.
Support systems are taken away while others are bribed. Government help is cut off as much as possible. "Crises" are created (like a war, threats of terrorism, a virtual war, energy shortages) so public money must first be spent on those things. This purposely drains the public treasury of money and resources to try to save the unwanted.
Religion is bribed from speaking up by offering them juicy government contracts to privatize "charity." This swells their coffers and at the same time, hires members who will faithfully tithe part of their salaries back into the churches' coffers. The Christian "standard" for tithing is ten percent. More, evangelists get the bonuses of having captive audiences of desperate people to sell their religion and will to. Many of the extreme poor end up trading their souls for a bowl of soup and a sandwich at government-funded Christian soup kitchens and/or homeless shelters.
The internal police is built-up ("Homeland Security") and files are maintained on every citizen they can build a file on (so far its about 256 million Americans). The ruling patriarchs keep information on everyone just in case someone might decide to say something public about the autogenocide. The information kept by the government is used to Bully, Blackmail or Buy people (including politicians and victims) to keep their heads down, their eyes closed and their mouths shut.
A note about "Super Censuses": It helps those behind autogenocide determine who is to be "cleansed"/culled. Intrinsic things are factored in: gender, race, age, ethnicity, disabilities/physical handicaps, family lineage, socio-economic standing, perceived physical beauty/desireability (particularly for females), membership in "approved" religions, perceived power and/or potential, amount of loyalty/subjugation to authority established in patriarchal structures and systems, so forth.
6. Polarization. Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda. Extreme right groups and representatives target moderates to intimidate and silence the center.
Privileged, educated males from the extreme right start writing books like the "Bell Curve" (Charles Murray, Jr. and Richard Herrnstein) to "prove" that certain groups are subhuman or as the Nazis called them, "Untermenshen."
This separates the favored groups over the ones selected for permanent removal. The polarization forces the people who are safe from genocide to side with the government if they want to remain comfortable and/or live. Remember, anyone who doesn't agree with the American federal government is considered a "traitor" and traitors are scorned, ridiculed, hated, publicly denounced, humiliated and called "Benedict Arnold."
The middle-class try to stay "neutral," but by their silence and acceptance, they are on the side of autogenocide. The middle-class has to stay silent. Their privileged way of life for them and their children depends on this silence. In America, anyone can "fall from grace" and the best way to do this is to be a person of conscience and do or say something against the status quo.
7. Preparation. The village, victims, survivors and those in power are prepared for the genocide.
The autogenocide has to be conceived in invisibility and executed in invisibility. Suffering and resulting premature deaths have to blamed on something else: diseases, violence, hunger, homelessness, hopelessness, accidents, suicides, murders, so forth.
No one is going to visibly agree or assist in the holocaust. This means that its all done in the abstract. Welfare "reform" laws and other laws are hyped as "tough love" that means, in Orwellian or Alice-in-Wonderland language, that powerless people are being left to their own devices to survive without resources or enough resources to survive or have any kind of a quality of life.
Social forces from Mandora's Box are released from legal, third-parties. This includes legislation, non-legislation, bureaucracies and male institutions.
The groups to be removed are isolated. If they were isolated before, they are made more isolated
The young men are taken out of of the Targeted Neighborhoods/Groups. Before any kind of genocide can be carried out, the men of "battle age" (15-45) are always removed. Since the beginning of history, this has been the standard practice.
It also explains why laws and incarceration in America are aimed at imprisoning and/or disenfranchising men from groups scheduled to be removed. The major population of prisons in America are packed with poor and/or minority males of "prime" age. More and more of these males are being imprisoned all the time, thus emptying the ghettos, reservations, barrios and poor rural areas of men.
With males not around to physically, financially and emotionally protect their women, children, relatives and neighbors, these people are easy targets to disappear.
Social safety nets and jobs programs are removed or altered. This forces poverty, reinforces poverty and depresses the quality of life to the point people start dying in record numbers.
Racism and disenfranchises women/minorities/disabled from decent work so they're ushered into work that doesn't pay a living wage, plus workers without social power are many times forced to work dangerous jobs.
Public transportation in "red zones" does not help the people get to other areas of the cities so they can get better work. Medical insurance is impossible to afford or get from the low-wage jobs the disenfranchised work.
People are pushed deeper into debt and other crises like homelessness, hunger, disease, despair.
Civil wars between sub-groups are started by the elite and media to keep them not only isolated, divided and conquered, but to keep them in so much chaos that these groups have no chance to confederate and become a big enough political power to stop the suffering and deaths.
Schools in "useless eater" areas are purposely underfunded, thus bringing down the quality of life for individuals and communities. Quality of Life is very important: read on.
Quality of Life affects Life Outcome. If Quality of Life is high, people are usually healthier and live long. If Quality of Life is low or non-existent, many people will get sick and usually die from premature death. Bring down the overall quality of life in individuals/communities/groups and make sure that Quality of Life does not go up even an increment, and people will start dying in droves. Every professional politician knows this.
8. Extermination. The New Romans use the modern tactic of Silent Siege (Silent Slaughter) , which indirectly kills people. Isolate and starve people economically, physically, mentally, psychologically, materially, artistically, financially, spiritually, socially, and culturally (except for the nationalism and christian cultures that are toxic in themselves), and predictably, people will die of premature deaths from the stress caused by the isolation and starvation. Its not immediate death like the Nazi Holocaust, but it achieves the same result.
The media continues to keep the autogenocide hidden.
High stress factors lead to high mortality rates. Unleash ruthless, deadly social forces against certain individuals, groups, neighborhoods and/or communities and they will begin to implode. Every social worker, sociologist, psychologist, doctor, nurse, police, urban planner, politician, historian, military strategist, so forth knows this.
Add in all the factors of Stages of 7 and 8, and the body bags really begin to add up.
There is a scientific name for the "weathering away" of poor people by stress: AXIOM OF BIOLOGICAL STRESS FROM POVERTY. I believe that this name limits the scope of death by stress in the American landscape. The proper name to describe suffering and mortality should be: AXIOM OF BIOLOGICAL STRESS FROM OPPRESSION.
The victims are always blamed ("poor life choices" when they had no choices or only a choice of bad choices). They are blamed for their stress when the stressors are external and almost all are socially engineered, and socially engineered to kill.
When safety nets are gutted and politicians/economists/business leaders/sociologists/urban planners/scientists know it will result in the deaths of countless citizens, that is called socially engineering and "framing" social forces to target and kill the Untermenschen.
When politicians won't or refuse enact national healthcare insurance, knowing full well that it will result in premature death for a large number of people with no or low socio-economic value, that is called socially engineering autogenocide. It doesn't matter that the politicians are owned by pharmaceutical companies and private health care groups through campaign donations. When you enact legislation knowing full well that it will lead to enormous amounts of preventable death and you vote for it, you are committing autogenocide.
9. Denial. Because American Autogenocide is carried out in the abstract, thus the surreal, it is hard to prove. That's the evil beauty of it. The deed doesn't lead directly back to the leaders, but to the village itself. The blood is shared collectively and equally in the village because it is collective murder: it happened in a "democracy" (even if its mostly rich people directing it) and thus, the crime is owned by the whole village.
This phenomenon of community evil spreads the blood around so thinly that the remaining people don't see it on their hands. People who did not stand up against the autogenocide are as equally guilty as the leaders who caused it. This makes a village of denial and this enables the autogenocide to continue.
More, the corporate owned media ignores or downplays the suffering and death. These are forms of denial because hiding is a form of denial. If the media is someday confronted about the autogenocide and feels it has to "cover" itself, then it will work to deny the holocaust that happened under its watch.
Graduate students, organizations and others are having difficulty performing mortality studies (especially those related to the poor and/or minorities and singe women) on the local and state level. More, they are having a hard time getting any completed studies results reported by the media, including the internet. This makes connecting other studies and statistics difficult, if not impossible to prove the massive autogenocide. Hiding and distorting mortality rates plus preventing scholars, statisticians and other professional people from adding up the mortality numbers of other American communities and cities keeps the autogenocide invisible, thus denied.
Genocide is never directly traceable to the leaders who wanted it. This makes it easy for the elite, politicians, captains of industry and other instigators to deny it. Again, to this day, there is no physical proof (papers, orders) to link Hitler to the Nazi holocaust. Underlings gave the orders and executed the genocide, but everyone knows that orders for the holocaust came from the top.
It should be noted that the Nazis "cleansed" other people from their communities besides the Jews. They targeted the hopelessly unemployed, "immoral women" including prostitutes (prostitution is rife in hard patriarchal economic times), problematic women, the mentally ill, the non-heterosexuals, political enemies, minorities, so forth.
The New Holocaust in America is also cleansing US communities of the poor, "immoral" women (poor single mothers), problematic women (women who want to live independently of a male sponsor, feminists, so forth), the mentally ill, gays and, political enemies (Senator Paul Wellstone's death still remains a mystery), minorities and other unwanted people.
Why Autogenocide?
In a 1978 letter of resignation from his position of president of the UAW, Douglas Fraser wrote, "I believe leaders of the business community, with few exceptions, have chosen to wage a one-sided class war today in our country --a war against working people, the unemployed, the poor, the minorities, the very young and the very old, and even many in the middle class of our society..."
1. Autogenocide has been solving the population problems of the American elite since the beginning of the country. Its been applied in many different forms over the centuries: small pox blankets and starvation for Indians; cannons fired at protesters in the mid-1800's, the disappearances of little towns who resisted selling out to the Railroad Barons; the CIA introduction of crack to ghetto neighborhoods; criminalizing anything to keep the prisons full of members of certain groups; letting Dickensian poverty in its modern form make people suffer and die prematurely. Thus, American Autogenocide is "business as usual, " making American Autogenocide inherently institutional.
2. American autogenocide hides the deficiencies of American-Anglo Saxon (AASAX) capitalism until it controls all the markets of the world. Capitalism, by its nature alone, simply cannot provide enough paying work for all the workers who need work in America. More, the number of jobs are declining while the number of workers is rising. Quite simply: industry has no use for many people.
3. Killing off the excess population is cheaper, easier and faster than having to deal with them. In capitalistic thought and lexicon, this is called "efficiency."
Low, non or negative producers are costly for a pay-as-you-go, you're-on-your-own (YOYO), pull-yourself-up-with-your-bootsraps merchant society. People without work or with little work and/or without money, still need food, shelter, emergency help, medical care, so forth.
Since the famous "restructuring" of the economy (which is also a restructuring of society back to a close resemblance of the old white patriarchal power hierarchy), more and more people-usually those from the lower tiers of society--can not earn enough money to properly live. This leads to tax money spent on social and emergency services. The rich complain that the tax money could have been better used-used for the priorities of the elite: tax reduction; reduction of capital gains taxes to zero; greater dividends to rich investor; huge salaries and pay packages to CEOs; so forth.
4. As mentioned above, the political and economic elite are restructuring society back to its original institutional, constitutional model of plutocracy and its support model, the elite patriarchal hierarchy of subordination.
5. Autogenocide is utilitarian but the sacrifice of the victims is not for the benefit of the village, but for the benefit of the economic and political elite.
6. Now that the country's infrastructure is in place and hardwired into the federal government, surplus people aren't needed and won't be needed in the future.
7. The wealthy elite and many big businesses are against paying taxes (cuts into their net profits) and governments (local, state and federal) have to raise taxes to support the poor and disenfranchised. Eliminate as much poor as you can so the demand for helping them (and for taxes to do it) drops.
8. Too many unwanted people might figure it out and organize themselves as a force to be reckoned with.
9. Too many people with no hope, no hope for the future and nothing to lose can result in organizing, protests, strikes and rage-fueled riots.
10. Too many poor, disenfranchised and/or minorities with votes threaten the established power and wealth structures. Within 50 years, it is projected that there will be more minorities than whites. This new majority could take out the elite, white patriarchal system. This makes the current autogenocide a "preemptive" genocide. It guarantees continued power and wealth of the elite by keeping the majority of votes in the hands of whites.
11. It is negative population control. America is running out of room for its current population which is continually expanding. Over population can result in greater pollution, social suffering and epidemics. In the mind of patriarchal leaders, somebody has to be removed, so the powerless-the people few will speak up for-are quietly and invisibly removed.
12. Autogenocide can remove enough people to let the earth heal so the rich and powerful can continue plundering it and enslaving the world's populations.
13. Symbolically and literally scapegoats and punishes the powerless for the deeds of the real culprits, the ruling and financial elite. Vents the anger and frustration of the remaining villagers at someone "safe" to blame.
14. It is a result of the natural institutional racism of the System.
15. It is a predictable result of corrupt patriarchal power.
16. It is modern witch-burning. Male economics has historically struggled with the problem of unemployed women and women without male sponsors. Patriarchal societies have historically responded by killing/burning them as witches. It is estimated that ten million people, mostly women, were killed as witches from 1400-1750 and most of these killings were related to economics, patriarchal control of females and the use of scapegoats to soothe the village's anger/tension over corruption, plagues, wars, so forth.
17. Arrogance and racism.
18. Pleasure and the thrill of being able to kill and get away with it.
19. Greed and selfishness.
20. Entrenches more power and wealth in the hands of elite.
21. Shapes reality and the country to the elite's patriarchal, market ideology, will and dreams.
21. Reduces the numbers in slums. Slums are incubators for plagues and civil wars or civil rights movements.
22. Thins out the middle-class. As with all patriarchal hierarchies, there are sub-hierarchies within them. Examples are the hierarchy of white women, the hierarchy of minorities (by skin color, gender, age, so forth). For example, the federal government has several categories for Hispanics, including "White Hispanic." There is also a sub-hierarchy for the middle-class.
In the early days of the country, a small middle-class existed. Many modern politicians embellish the truth about the colonial middle-class to connect some kind of mystical American middle-class of yesteryear to the American middle-class of now. Its all propaganda. The colonial middle-class was small and more prominent along the sea coast.
The Founding Fathers, most wealthy, untitled aristocrats, never intended for a large middle-class to exist in America. Only the descendants of the existing colonial middle-class were to be allowed to be middle-class. Constitutional scholars know this.
Controlling the number of the middle-class worked for almost two hundred years until unionization, the GI Bill and other government programs helped villagers from the lower working class tiers strive to achieve the American Dream. The new middle-class became a problem for the traditional, inherited, historically- and politically- guaranteed white middle-class.
Now that we are facing a work-less world, the elite has no use for such a large layer of middle-class. The primary reason is because they are expensive in a colonial capitalist system whose wealth was designed to accumulate in the hands of the few elite. The nouveau middle-class have come to expect work with decent wages and fringe benefits when the world is flooded with the unemployed, thus the privileges of the last half of the 20th century have become antiquated. This is one of the realities of the "invisible" hand of the market.
Too many middle-class pose other problems for the elite: if there are too many of them, some will vote left or away from patriarchy. It may be legal, but it is a social faux pas against the masters of society.
Autogenocide is the perfect way for the elite to thin out the classes so they are disappeared or more manageable. Not only that, everyone gets the invisible messages of terror, so they are more likely to do as they are told.
Autogenocide tells everyone in the village what their place is and what happens to those who "fail" or "fall." It doesn't matter if the loser were destined to fail. In a highly materialistic, pay-as-you-go-society there are no margins for compassion and empathy. Those things don't make money but cost it.
In the end, American autogenocide has always been about maintaining the current power structure and System, that acts like a modern (evolved) version of the the colonial period power structure and System. The only difference is that modern politicians don't wear broad-coats and powdered wigs.
Faye Weldon, British writer and feminist said, "Everything has changed but nothing is different" about feminism. The same thing can be said about American government since its beginning to now.
23. New American Eugenics in a New American Gilded Age. Despite the weak laws and strong propaganda, America remains classiest and racist. Racism is unavoidable because it is institutional and because in patriarchal economies, where the elite receive the lion's share of the village's wealth, racism works as a selection tool to determine who gets the remaining crumbs and how much.
The first Gilded Age was the era from post-Civil War/ post-Reconstruction Era from 1865 to 1930. This time in American history saw unprecedented economic, territorial, industrial, and population expansion. There was a great increase in ethnic and racial diversity. Social tensions grew as a result of a decreasing Anglo-Saxon majority. The economic gap between rich and poor was great. At the end of this Gilded Age, the elite of America and their institutions began supporting a pseudo-science called eugenics that promised to help solve the social problems of that age.
From its beginning, eugenics has been supported by prominent thinkers, including Plato, Sir Francis Galton, Charles Darwin, Alexander Graham Bell, George Bernard Shaw, and Winston Churchill, and was an academic discipline at many colleges and universities.
American Eugenics was conceived at the onset of the twentieth century and was implemented by America's wealthiest, most powerful, most learned and most influential individuals and institutions, including the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Harriman railroad fortune (the Bush family fortune comes from deep, intimate business relationships with the Harriman family), Harvard University, Princeton University, Yale University, Stanford University, the American Medical Association, Margaret Sanger, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Robert Yerkes, Woodrow Wilson, the American Museum of Natural History, the American Genetic Association and a sweeping array of government agencies from the obscure Virginia Bureau of Vital Statistics to the U.S. State Department.
American eugenicists sought to methodically terminate all the racial groups, ethnic groups and social classes they disliked, feared or deemed a threat to established power, then or later on.
Their goal was to sterilize fourteen million people in the United States and millions more worldwide-the "lower tenth." Afterwards, they planned to eradicate the remaining lowest tenth until only a pure Nordic super race remained on the face of the earth.
American eugenicists exported their philosophy to nations throughout the world including Nazi Germany. More, American elite, through foundations, gave grants to Germany for its eugenics program.
The American Eugenics Society was organized in 1921, following the Second International Conference on Eugenics held in New York City in that year. In 1972, the American Eugenics Society was reorganized and renamed The Society for the Study of Social Biology.
These modern economic times have been called the New Gilded Age because it compares with the first Gilded Age. Today's economic and social conditions, including the enormous inequality that is becoming greater (the gap between the elite and the poor), mirror those of yesteryear. White Supremacist books like The Bell Curve have once been legitimized and praised by the status quo. Eugenic ideas are circulating again, but this time with fury, thus greater power.
Eugenics and genocide is synonymous. This is because eugenics provides a big justification for genocide.
A 1911 study, financed by the Carnegie Institution, identified eighteen possible methods of implementing eugenics in American and around the world. Gas chambers were deemed to be the most effective method, but it was felt that American society was not yet prepared to accept them (and this is where the Germans got first got their idea for gas chambers). Thus,a number of other eugenic methods were adopted, most notably mass sterilization. By marshaling government forces to continually identify and sterilize those citizens deemed unfit for reproduction, it was estimated that the ultimate goal of the master race could be achieved over a period of generations.
The world is running out of any kind of paying work and because work in America is rewarded and rewarded along patriarchal-defined class lines, the bottom twenty percent-mostly minorities, single adult women, disabled, gays/lesbians (despite the media hype, many are poor), the poor, so forth-will be hopelessly unemployed in the future. What is to be done with these people that industry and power elite have no use for and are loathe to support? These people are negative numbers on the balance sheets of a corporate country.
As before-mentioned (#3), it is easier, cheaper and faster to kill undesired groups of people than to help them live decently.
Cause & Effect-The Principle of Causality/Determinism
A. Spirkin writes, "All certainty in our relationships with the world rests on acknowledgement of causality. Causality is a genetic connection of phenomena through which one thing (the cause) under certain conditions gives rise to, causes something else (the effect). The essence of causality is the generation and determination of one phenomenon by another. In this respect causality differs from various other kinds of connection, for example, the simple temporal sequence of phenomena, of the regularities of accompanying processes. For example, a pinprick causes pain. Brain damage causes mental illness. Causality is an active relationship, a relationship which brings to life some thing new, which turns possibility into actuality. A cause is an active and primary thing in relation to the effect. But "after this" does not always mean "because of this". It would be a parody of justice if we were to say that where there is punishment there must have been a crime.
Causality is universal. Nowhere in the world can there be any phenomena that do not give rise to certain consequences and have not been caused by other phenomena. Ours is a world of cause and effect or, figuratively speaking, of progenitors and their progeny. Whenever we seek to retrace the steps of cause and effect and find the first cause, it disappears into the infinite distances of universal interaction. But the concept of cause is not confined to interaction. Causality is only a part of universal connection. The universality of causality is often denied on the grounds of the limited nature of human experience, which prevents us from judging the character of connections beyond what is known to science and practice. And yet we know that no scientist restricts his reasoning to what he can immediately perceive. The whole history of humanity, of all scientific experiment knows no exception to the principle of determinism.
The connection between cause and effect takes place in time. This temporary relation may be defined in various ways. Some people believe that cause always precedes effect, that there is a certain interval between the time when the cause begins to act (for example, the interaction of two systems) and the time the effect appears. For a certain time cause and effect coexist, then the cause dies out and the consequence ultimately becomes the cause of something else. And so on to infinity." (Source)
Autogenocide and the Principle of Causality/Determinism
Autogenocide is socially-engineering predetermined outcomes by cause and effect. Because it is done through legal means and arenas, American autogenocide is a procedure that is little more than a carefully-orchestrated effort to cast an aura of legitimacy over an entirely illegitimate set of predetermined outcomes.
A Favorite Tool of Autogenocide
If poverty is essentially murder, then the issue of income inequality needs to be looked upon differently. A society that allows high levels of inequality is in essence killing its own citizens." Rochie Saks, Income Inequality and its Repercussions for Us, page 131 (Source)
David Williams and his colleagues at the University of Michigan (http://www.parkridgecenter.org/Page78.html) found that people with annual incomes of under $10,000 had more than three times the risk of dying in a given year as those who made more than $30,000. Scores of other studies have produced similar findings.
Socioeconomic status is one of the strongest predictors of health and longevity. Researchers have found that at each step down the socioeconomic ladder, health is poorer on average and people die younger.
The U.S. income distribution is currently among the most unequal in the industrialized world, and life expectancy in the U.S. lags behind that of any developed countries. Recent research suggests that these two occurrences may be linked--that the unequal distribution of income in the U.S. affects the health of the populace.
Growing income inequality is a direct result from the cause of the elite restructuring society and economics. Growing income inequality-a sharp trend in the United States since the early 1980s-results in a breakdown of social cohesion, increased competition for scarce resources and greater levels of stress, frustration, despair, hopelessness and depression: all that usually lead to poorer health.
When a scientist studies American autogenocide, the best forensic tools are charting cause and effect from government action that predetermined the outcomes. For example, the government has constantly protected the health industry over the needs of citizens, particularly those citizens who can not afford medical insurance. It is a statistical fact that people-usually the most helpless of all in society-who don't have health insurance have a 25% higher chance of dying.
"... I am a social worker at a local mental health center in Southern Ohio... Our funding has been cut and we now cannot enroll people without insurance. Our local health clinic that served people without insurance is also getting their funding cut and will probably close. The evidence of a class war is so evident in this area. If you don't have insurance you don't deserve to live. It is getting harder and harder to get Medicaid in Ohio even if you are disabled, so go off and kill yourself or die of an easily treated disease..." Steve from Ohio
Economists can predict economic trends and forecasts. Their reports always end up on the desks of the elite, politicians and planners. Politicians shredded the social safety nets when they knew that there was not enough jobs for all the bodies that would need them. Politicians knew that this would cause great suffering and death and it has. Ten years later, the numbers are starting to trickle in. The poor, single females and/or minorities are starting to die in large numbers.
The modern American autogenocide is primarily carried out by legislature. Politicians and other representatives from the status quo, including Big Business, cleverly draft laws that cause negative social forces to target and stress out the populations selected for elimination.
Taught in graduate psychology classes, B-O-B is a simple scientific tool and barometer to explain the outcomes of cause and effect (Causality/Determinism). B-O-B means Behavior (How does it behave?), Outcome (What Are the Outcomes?) and Benefit (Who Benefits?)
Complex things, including systems and how they work, can be more easily understood and subsequently diagramed by breaking down the components with B-O-B. A social or cultural scientist always knows that major social change/restructuring usually occurs to Benefit someone or something. Thus, the decoding with the B-O-B model can start with looking for who benefits.
The patriarchal elite obviously benefit from American autogenocide, but others do as well. They are the rest of the villagers who are allowed to live, although the New America is going to look and act more like it did a hundred years ago, only with modern buildings and technology.
In a raptor-vicious market, competition for resources, including jobs, is more fierce and ruthless than ever. Permanently disappeared villagers and their generations means less competition for the economic and social scraps that are left over after the few elite have received their enormous share. More, the property of the deceased is distributed to the remaining villagers in many ways, including public auctions where property is sold cheaper than if it had been sold on the market.
What's American Autogenocide Really About?
Power. The greatest motive for American autogenocide is Power. Power means imposing your patriarchal/materialistic/greedy/capitalistic/selfish will on someone else: it is the control of human lives to the point of being able to manipulate them, influence them, destroy them and/or take them at whim or with righteous, legal or biblical justification.
Human evil is that which destroys human lives. Autogenocide is the pinnacle of human evil.
M. Scott Peck, M.D., author of People of the Lie, profiles evil people: they have no regard for the truth; they lie and live in a world of lies. They are masters of disguise and cloak themselves with masks of respectability, goodness and often piety. Religiosity is a common and effective disguise. More, it is the appearance of propriety and respectability that is the important factor to cloaking the evil of the person.
Peck defines evil as: "The exercise of political power-that is, the imposition of one's will upon others by overt or covert coercion..." Or in other words, it is the use "of political power to destroy others," for the purpose of defending or preserving the integrity of one's sick self (or group).
American Autogenocide Told From An Eye Witness
It was a Minnesota State Representative who told me about autogenocide. This happened in August of 1998. I called him at his home. Many times, I'd call him about news reports I had seen on television announcing that the "government" reported a surplus of jobs and a shortage of workers. This was almost the daily news in the late 1990's. Chronically under-employed, I wanted to know where these jobs were. Nobody ever seemed to know. When I'd call the television station or Job Service and actually talked with a live being on the other end of the phone (most of the time I would be forwarded to an answering machine), someone would promise to call back and never did.
Almost ten years later, most people know that it was all propaganda. The abundance of jobs that the government and media constantly told the village about didn't exist.
When I called the politician this time, I was worried about the upcoming vote to continuance of the end of welfare. The state government was forcing the most poorest and helpless women in the village to work, when work was almost impossible to find and when it was found, it paid minimum-wage, was part-time and offered no fringe benefits. Armed with research I had been doing, I told him there was not enough work for all the workers in the village.
"How are these women and their children supposed to survive on part-time work and no welfare?" I asked. "Don't you know that many women and children are going to die if you do this?"
I could hear his frustration with me as the tone of his voice changed on the other end of the phone line. Exasperated, he told me, "Okay, Martha, I am going to tell you something off the record. If you ever tell anyone, I will deny it." I listened carefully as he proceeded to tell me something that shocked me all the way to the core of my being.
First, he asked me, "What do you know about farming?"
I replied, "What does farming have to do with women not getting work?"
He replied, "A lot and I'll get to that in a moment." Then he told me that economists, industry and politicians knew that the 'flush' economy was going to last until around the year 2000 (he was right), and then 'welfare reform' would have to be shelved because the more privileged people in society would demand all the remaining jobs of a slagging economy. This didn't happen because the Will of the Elite became too powerful and entrenched, plus the virtual war on "terror" that sucks all the money out of the treasury and spent on the new police state instead of citizens who are going to die from governmental neglect.
The local politician told me that in the interim, someone, namely women and children, had to be sacrificed. Yes, he said, politicians knew that some innocent people were going to die, but 'welfare reform' was a 'red button' political issue that 'had to be addressed' because the middle-class and the upper-classes did not want to pay taxes to support disadvantaged people. Therefore, some of the most powerless people had been targeted for elimination from society.
"It is no big deal," he told me, "Every society does it. Think of it in these terms: Farmers don't keep animals that cost more than they produce. People in power have to make those same decisions regarding people just like farmers have to make the same decisions regarding livestock. Someone has to control the size of the herd. Unlike animals, it is the powerless, not the sick or lame, that are selected to be removed.
Politicians have to make difficult, executive decisions for their constituents, even if it seems unfair. That's what they are elected for and they are giving the voters what they really want. If politicians refuse to make these decisions, they won't get reelected. There are lots of people willing to run for office and make those executive decisions if the current politicians won't do it. These choices are natural and a fact of life, Martha. I told you, every society does it."
Surprised and confused, I replied, "Wait a minute, are you telling me that our society intentionally kills our own people, even women and children, only because the wealthy don't want to share? That these deaths are intentionally planned? Don't the wealthy know that poverty is one of the 'natural' byproducts of capitalism, that capitalism depends on an official 'average' five percent unemployed to hold it up? Are you telling me that all politicians, local ones to national ones, not only know about this murder but willingly participate in it?"
"All of them know about it, Martha," he told me. "Now you do, too. Don't ever call me again and don't ever quote me. I'll deny I ever told you this."
"Wait!" I said, "How you can be a part of this and live with your conscience?"
He hung up on me. I tried to call him several times after that and he would never talk to me.
Putting Flesh and Blood On the Surreal
Any kind of a murder is surreal. It is a symbol of power: Someone has taken someone else's life. It is a symbol of evil, of the dark side of the human existence/experience. The first book of the Bible, Genesis, gives murder (particularly murder of your brother) not only the symbol of ultimate evil, but its parable is a warning to all humans.
Murder always creates a surreal atmosphere. Its name and dynamics are psychological "red buttons" that the psyche (subconscious) recognizes before the conscious. Murder is always dark and it hides in the darkest places that people don't want to peer into because of many reasons including the fact that it might affect their conscience and make them depressed.
Only the perpetrators, researchers and real thirsters of justice will look inside these dark places. You have to have courage to do this because these dark places are rabidly shielded and watched by guards of the elite. Like any murderer, the persons who caused the murder will do everything to keep the evidence hidden. In the case of Silent Autogenocides like the one that is happening in America, the truth of it will remain hidden until all the players have long since left life's arena. More, few ever mourn for the loss of weakest members of society.
When the spotlight is on the murderer, motivation, premeditation, biographies, facts and more are explored to depth. When the spotlight never reaches the murders or the murderers, its accepted by most people that the perpetrators will probably get away with it.
This is not always the truth, particularly in the case of autogenocide.
Forensic anthropologist Clyde Snow, speaking before the May, 1984 meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, correctly said,"Of all the forms of murder, none is more monstrous than that committed by a state against its own citizens... The homicidal state shares one trait with the solitary killer--like all murderers, it trips on its own egoism and drops a trail of clues which, when properly collected, preserved and analyzed are as damning as a signed confession left in the grave."
In the two months it has taken to write this article, the author estimates that at least 20,000 Americans have died from autogenocide. These deaths include any kind of premature death by any of the legion of ills that poverty creates or exacerbates. Deaths can include exposure, accidents, gunshots, hunger, drug overdose, lack of medicine or medical care, suicides, homicides, asthma deaths from breathing cockroach feces, cancer, tuberculosis, AIDS, so forth.
Americans, even the ones on the left, are trained (brainwashed) from the cradle to only accept the truth in spoonfuls. This essay is more than a spoonful of truth. Only the most courageous readers have read this far.
Its time to wake the Sleeping Village up! Its time to throw the wild cards on the table and start the dialogue that needs to be started.
The economic and political elite of America have cognitively rigged the Lottery of Life to force premature deaths of those not valuable to white male society and/or industry. The full consequences of mean-hearted, reckless, racist, patriarchal, right-wing Christian, laissez faire capitalism legislation won't be seen for years. By then, tens of millions of unwanted citizens will be dead before their time. That's how American autogenocide works.
Socialists, feminists, activists, minority groups, women's groups, social service groups, ghetto committees, Indian reservation councils, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, ACORN, the Black Panthers, the Gray Panthers, prisoner groups, so forth, need to start counting the deaths around them, including statistics like race, age, income and cause of death. No longer can the usual "causes of death" be attributed to victims of autogenocide. New categories, like "poverty" and "the violence of poverty" need to be considered as primary causes of death with the physical diseases listed as secondary causes.
A central organization or website needs to be established to begin the grim task of counting the bodies of victims and disseminating the information. Once the counting begins, the picture is going to be bigger than anyone ever imagined. It has to be done or the American autogenocide will continue.
The villagers from the lower tiers of society have to collect the death information and find someone neutral to interpret this data.
From the cradle to the grave, propaganda sewn everywhere in the social tapestry tells us that the government and its agents are infallible. As in "the good old days," almost every politician prostitutes themselves to the elite and big business today. Look at who's in the White House right now and how the country's run. The government or corporate-owned media can not be trusted to perform this counting. The people-people in every corner of the US-have to count, literally.
For further reading, I suggest Michael Parenti's article Hidden Holocaust, USA
I recommend that everyone in the world read THE RELIGION OF POWER by Cheryl Forbes. Although I am a pagan and this is a "Christian" book, it is the best book I have found so far that describes power and how it works in this world.
Martha Rose Crow is a feminist, socialist, poet and writer living in the Netherlands. A social economist and cultural scientist, she holds four university degrees in Marketing, Management, Communication and Information Media (master's degree). She can be contacted at martharosecrow@excite.com
"Useless Eaters"
Attrition By Stress
"Welfare Reform"
Knowledge Protects. Ignorance endangers.
Blue Ibis
America's Darkest Secret
Martha Rose Crow M.S.
The Nine Stages of American Autogenocide
What Autogenocide Means
Auto comes from the Greek reflexive pronoun while genocide comes from the Latin words gens meaning "race, tribe" and -cidere meaning "kill." (source: http://wikipedia.org)
American Autogenocide is the deliberate, systematic and legal murder of American citizens by socially-engineering the die-off of populations that are "problematic" for the interests of wealth and power. Most victims prematurely die from social forces targeted at them to cause them to wear out by stress. This process is called "Weathering Away" or "Attrition By Stress."
Although it has to be "legal," autogenocide is always committed under the radar so the media won't be compelled to report it and so the people won't see it or understand it. More, the genocide is blamed on the victims and their deaths are hidden-attributed-to other causes rather than the primary one of autogenocide.
What is different between this genocide and other genocides is that this unique genocide doesn't produce mass graves. Instead, the victims are spread over a large geographic area and buried singly, thereby hiding the body count. This keeps the deaths sanitized and homogenized. It also keeps the autogenocide surreal; thus enabling the village to deny It's existence when clues to It's existence are ambundant and abundantly transparent.
Six Primary Factors to Genocide
There are six primary factors underlying genocide. First, there is an overpopulation of people from groups that are not economically or socially important and/or viable to the political and economic elite.
Second, genocides usually happen in times of shortages. The shortage behind the current American autogenocide is work. America is losing jobs while the population continues to grow. The wealthy and industry are loathe to pay taxes to support negative or low producers (useless eaters) because the costs of maintaining these people (via increased taxes and social costs) affects their profits and earnings.
More, when there are too many people in times of great shortages, they become restless and can group together to force democratic and social changes the economic/political/military elite don't want and work tirelessly and relentlessly against.
The third factor is that genocides are common to patriarchal societies. The stronger the institutional and cultural patriarchy, the stronger the chances for acts of genocide to exist, whether external or internal.
Threat to power (now or in the future) is the fourth underlying factor of genocide. For example, approximately one-third of all Americans are minorities and that number is expected to rise unless that population begins to die off. If minorities become the majority, the old, established rule of the country by white male elite will not hold for long unless the country becomes a dictatorship.
The fifth primary factor to genocide is that women and children are the primary targets. Women are exterminated because of their fertility. Eliminate them and the next generation of unwanted people will automatically be eliminated or at least be considerably downsized. This applies to the elimination of children as well.
Six, modern autogenocides don't happen without the help of the media. They constantly distribute the propaganda preparing the village psyche for acceptance of the deaths. They officially ignore the suffering and premature death, thus lending approval to its justification and execution.
As good servants to the status quo, the media "hides" the parts of America the ruling and economic elite don't want the majority of the village to see. Only when a fluke thing happens, like an Act of God like Hurricane Katrina, will America see its other, darker side. Now even that has faded and become buried as the national media has mostly forgotten it at the request of their elite masters. Autogenocide has to be hidden until all the people that are considered liabilities (debit people) in the books of the Patriarchal Capitalist Country are disappeared.
Five Types of Genocide
Roger Smith (1999) identified five genocide typologies. They are as follows: retributive genocide; institutional genocide; utilitarian genocide; monopolistic genocide; and, ideological genocide.
Retributive genocide may play a role in all genocide. It is usually rare as a principle motive and used mainly as a rationalization. It usually flows from the dehumanization attached to victims.
Institutional genocide was politically sanctioned mass murder in ancient and medieval times. It is a universal result of conquest and is an inherent form of warfare. It is motivated by the desire to terrorize and exert dominative power and eliminate any possible retaliation.
Utilitarian genocide was very prominent from the 16th to 19th centuries. It is used for the colonial domination and exploitation of indigenous peoples, although many would argue that the free market system dominates and exploits all groups of people who have no economic or political power. The basic proposition of utilitarian genocide is that some people must die so others can live well and the major force driving it is ethnocentrism and greed.
The most frequent cause of genocide in the 20th century and early 21st century has been the struggle to monopolize power. Monopolistic genocide is a tool for the elite to monopolize and centralize power in the hands of a few.
Most genocide prior to the 20th century was external with the goal of conquest and colonial expansion. Today, most genocide is internal or domestic (groups within the same territorial boundaries are destroyed). Issues not at stake in external genocide are the center of internal genocide: who belongs; who is to have voice in politics; what is the shape of the community; what should the purposes of community be.
The fifth type of genocide is ideological genocide. Religion usually provides a rationale. In many cases, the genocides are carried out to protect and defend a particular religious faith, including certain forms of nationalism.
Camus explained ideological genocide as a metaphysical revolt against humanity in which an attempt is made to create/reestablish a system providing for order and justice that humanity thought to be lacking. At the same time, ideological genocide strives for a type of salvation that strives to eliminate all that is perceived to be impure.
A Modern Genocide Usually Consists of More Than One Kind of Genocide
Most types of modern genocide are a hybrid of two or more kinds. For example, the Nazis committed retributive genocide as well as institutional, utilitarian, monopolistic and ideological genocide.
Retributive: The Jews had to be punished for killing Christ and for controlling finance. They and other "enemies of the state" had to be punished for running down decent society in general.
Institutional: Nazis mass-murdered large groups of people, usually with the help of locals. All was politically-sanctioned.
Utilitarian: Some people had to die so others could live well.
Monopolistic: Nazi Germany committed both external and internal genocide. A premiere reason behind this was to monopolize power.
Ideological: Untermenchen (sub-humans) and other defective people were dragging German society down. Religion provided the perfect rationale as the early Christian fathers and Martin Luther wrote/instructed that the Jews killed Jesus, thus were a cursed and hated people. This was taught for millennia in churches and theological schools.
The modern American autogenocide is also a hybrid. Like the Nazis, it is a hybrid of all five types of genocide.
Retributive: Since Barry Goldwater in the 1960's, the conservatives have done nothing but attack and demonize/dehumanize the poor, until they lost all their perceived humanity. The lazy, tax-sucking, tax-dependent poor had to be morally "saved" by eliminating social safety nets so they would be "motivated to work" when in reality, there was little if any work for them and certainly no work that paid a living wage.
Institutional: The old, established order of elite males rule by terror or what is known as the "patriarchal authority of violence." Institutional genocide reinforces this kind of violence. The autogenocide going on in America right now is politically-sanctioned mass murder. It is politically sanctioned through legislation and through non-legislation (e.g., the continued dismantling of social programs when they are needed more than ever and lack of energy, motivation to reinstate them) and through patriarchal institutions. More, it is politically sanctioned by bureaucracies, male institutions and the corporate-owned media.
Utilitarian: Some people have to die so others can live well, including receiving more share of the community distribution of wealth and more chances for work.
Monopolistic: Autogenocide is internal genocide. The autogenocide being committed against Americans is done to keep the wealth and power in the hands of the established white male order for now and for the future. Think of it as negative, "preemptive" population control to keep the System as it has existed for over two hundred years for the next two hundred years.
Ideological: The conservative right claimed that the poor were dragging the country down morally and economically because they were costing society (living on welfare or getting some other public benefit) when in the "Land of Opportunity "anyone" who "really wanted" a job could get one. The right's "think-tanks" and other institutions launched and paid for "studies" to "prove" their ideologies in their favor. Afterwards, they flooded the social tapestry with "evidence" to sway public opinion in the corner of the right.
In the late 1990's, the American village was constantly covered in propaganda from the government and media proclaiming a "perfect economy" and bemoaning that there were not enough workers to fill all the jobs available. Years later, all of this has been disproved, but it still worked: Part of the American autogenocide became more ideological because of the enormous propaganda released in American communities to stir up civil wars and xenophobia.
Gregory H. Stanton presented his model of Eight Stages of Genocide to the Yale University Center for International and Area Studies in 1998. It is a fine model, but he missed the biggest and most important stage: The Decision to Kill. Whether singular or collective, the decision starts the genocide.
1. Decision. Like other forms of genocide, autogenocide is a process started from the top down. The planning begins at the top of the elite patriarchal hierarchy and works its way down the social pyramid to all levels through male channels.
The decision is made in a way so it is never traced all the way to the top. To this day, no paper has ever surfaced to tie Hitler directly to ordering the holocaust.
At least 95% of all communication is non-verbal, thus the language transforms into something else, something usually less concrete and more surreal. Non-verbal communication can (and usually does) becomes or evolves into one or more of the following forms: symbolic, semantic, rhetorical, allegorical, cryptographic, metamorphic, philosophical, psychological, hypnotic, controlling, patriarchal, oppressive, numerological, occult, erotic, homoerotic, theological, prophetic, epiphanic, spiritual, so forth. Many messages with double/triple meanings are woven/hidden within these forms on non-verbal communications.
Most of the messages for autogenocide are conveyed non-verbally, indirectly or through a third-person.
The order is usually "innocent" and done in an indirect way. The elite are always surrounded with males from upper social levels and these males lean on every one of their masters' words.
The order is usually given in an informal atmosphere where the ultra rich go. The order can be given at a club, a country club, smoking room, a fancy restaurant, a sauna, a dining or meeting room of an estate, an executive bathroom, on the golf course (where much of the world's fate has been decided for decades), at "charity" functions, posh parties of the rich, so forth.
There are always lower tiers of the elite at these places, including politicians, plus business and society journalists. The males of these upper groups, plus the media (that are basically owned by the elite) and other conveyers of culture are conditioned and socialized to hear and obey the males above them in the hierarchy. That is how patriarchies work and that is how the ruling patriarchs spread their messages.
The top elite male will start a conversation about one thing and segue it into something else that leads into the "problem." Afterwards, he will make his complaint in an indirect way. He hesitates for a few moments while changing his posture, then tone of voice into a more authoritarian one. After silently and discreetly checking for responses of the male faces in the room and to make sure the right ears are listening, he adds more power to his non-verbal language: he segues from a man to a divine person as he begins to talk like the biblical-type wise man/savior of the village. Although charismatic, his language-verbal and nonverbal- gain in authority, thus high patriarchy. He is at the top of the patriarchal chain, so he must exhibit a great amount of power in a subdued, but apparent way.
After he is sure the right male ears are listening, he begins his list of complaints to strengthen and justify his original complaint. The male ears at the table, urinal, golf club, country club, boardroom, fundraiser, so forth, listen and wait for the "solution" that is really a secret command in the world of males.
Then it comes. The Man of Power will make short, casual, "benign" remarks like, "Something has to be done about this," "The numbers (statistics of growing populations that threaten power) have to change,"or "Back in other times, they knew how to fix this" (it may sound nostalgic, but this is an indirect order to solve the "problem" by using classic patriarchal methods of rule, including the patriarchal authority of violence and genocide. Never once does the patriarch offer any concrete suggestions as to how the numbers of unwanted people are to be changed. This is a phenomenon of Denial, the Ninth Stage listed below.
It is up to the elite males below the aristocratic elite to carry out the order by creating and unleashing legal, social forces at the individual/s, groups, population, so forth, designated for removal.
Right from the beginning, the media is always there, helping in every way. They disseminate the propaganda, weaken opposition by various methods including direct and indirect demonizing of the victims and those individuals/groups who support them, as explained throughout this essay, so forth.
As the order for autogenocide goes through the male channels, it will be picked up and sculpted for palatable delivery in earnest politicians' speeches of the extreme right or in the speeches of those politicians who seek the support/help of the political right, including the Christian right.
The males from the other parts of the social pyramid hear it and if they agree (particularly if they benefit from white privilege), they will repeat the mantra until it is spread throughout the entire community. This starts the denial process of the community. When everyone is in denial, almost all will ignore the truth in front of them.
2. Classification. All cultures have categories to distinguish people into "us and them" by ethnicity, race, religion and most recently, nationality (e.g., muslims, middle-easterners that aren't Jews from Israel, illegal Hispanic workers, so forth).
In patriarchal hierarchies, every one has a class worth with another value that appraises women according to the set patriarchal beauty standards in the culture. In plutocracies, human value is awarded or subtracted by the wealth you own with race, gender and other categories factored in such as "good breeding."
Then there is monetary worth. Everything, from air to people, is for sale in the free market, thus everyone and everything in the capitalist marketplace has a monetary value. Insurance actuary tables prove this, but so does the recent settlement payments to the survivors of the 9/11 victims of the World Trade Center. Survivors of dishwashers (who worked in the fancy restaurants in the towers) received about $200,000 while survivors of bankers and stock brokers got at least ten times that.
In America, not only are Americans classified along race, gender, religion, age, so forth, they are also classified by their worth (or negative worth) to plutocracy and industry.
Having wealth can give you a better classification, but it didn't help the wealthy Jews in Nazi Berlin and it didn't help O.J. Simpson or Michael Jackson and a host of other wealthy people. That's because wealth doesn't always guarantee power. Power is held in select, white paternal hands. Oprah can buy some power with her wealth (opulent lifestyle and choices) but if she doesn't stay to the script (she's an entertainer, not a journalist), the males at the top of the media chain will pull the plug on her entertainment products.
Because its their System, aristocrats, whether titled, merchant or military, do not die of autogenocide unless a new type of government is installed.
3. Symbolization. Names or other symbols are given to the classifications (above) so they can be easily identified. Symbols can be concrete (e.g., a swastika, a "think tank" study that frames one of their issues against certain groups, so forth) or the symbolization can be opaque or invisible (e.g., a zip code).
Innuendoes, gossip, jokes, myths, half-truths, lies, propaganda, attacks and stories are spread throughout the community about selected individuals/groups/races/communities that are targeted for permanent removal.
4. Dehumanization. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder. One group denies the humanity of the other group. People to be destroyed are justified/equated as lesser forms of life. They are scapegoated as factors for lower quality of village life caused by political and economic corruption.
All the genocide propaganda comes from the conservative right in America, although it is silently supported by some members of the left. The representatives of the old order never stop demonizing people/victims that don't fit perfectly into the white patriarchal power model, the needs of industry and/or are a real/potential threat to established white patriarchal power.
The right-wing politicians, with right-wing "think-tanks" institutions and the media demonize the poor/minorities/independent women and spread patriarchal justification that these groups deserve "what" they get because they are dragging the rest of the villagers down.
Institutions that exist solely to promote the status quo (GOP, conservative "think-tanks," conservative media institutions, federalist societies, so forth) start executing skewed studies and statistical surveys whose conclusions always point in the favor of dehumanizing the groups that are to be permanently eliminated.
The media starts releasing and recycling the "conclusions" of the studies and surveys, while all the time, never questions their authenticity and procedure, nor probes to find out who funded it and why. More, the media is always blissfully ignorant of all the negative, hurricane-strength social forces it unleashes and creates when it broadcasts the dehumanizing information.
The media constantly reports the rise of bastard babies, violence, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, criminal activities, sexually transmitted diseases and other diseases: diseases associated with sloth, sexual promiscuous, filthy living conditions, thus connecting the targeted people as unhuman. The media either portrays these people as dangerous and as "carriers of disease," that threaten the larger society, or the media helps the village forget these people by ignoring them in their newscasts. This has been what's happening lately. By ignoring the other humans of the group, the media has dehumanized them because if these people were important to society, the media would be reporting on them and favorably about them like they do the middle and upper classes.
Conservative politicians jump on the bandwagon and denounce the traitorous citizens who "refuse" to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and join the homogenized, "melting pot," American family of workers. "Self-reliance" and "self-initiative" is stressed and the causes of un- or under-employment or the real amount of jobs available (or not available) is ever addressed.
The stronger group denies the humanity of the other group. The stronger group's rhetoric segues into arguing/selling the idea that the people to be eliminated from are less human and more like animals or insects, particularly (economic) leeches and (cockroach) people.
Welfare recipients are demonized by being called "welfare queens" by politicians and the media. Black males are demonized by being portrayed by the media as drug dealers, pimps and other kinds of criminals. White trash is made fun of. Jerry Springer and South Park are good examples of this, and any kind of fringe group are always the target of white comedians.
In Mel Brook's movie, The History of the World, Part I, there is a scene of Roman senators discussing the probability of funding housing for the poor when they all reach a conclusion: F**k the Poor! The Symbolization for genocide is everywhere in the American tapestry and it has been for a long time. Demonization and Symbolism for genocide were masked in Mel Brook's remarks in a 1983 movie that has been seen billions of times. Any time a powerless and/or helpless member of the human community is demonized by forces greater than them, it is a part of the symbolization process.
Laziness is considered worse than a disease in a society that continuously promotes a work ethic that primarily benefits well-connected white males. Laziness is connected to moral diseases (sloth, shamefulness, immorality, drug taking, drinking, bad health, so forth). Through twisted metamorphoses of the symbolic/symbiotic connection of those who don't work (for any reason) or are poor for any reason (because the world's richest nation is sold as the "land of opportunity" where "everyone" can get rich if they work hard enough), autogenocide is righteously sold and justified by Symbolism.
5. Organization. Because autogenocide has to be perceived as non-existent, it has to remain invisible. Thus, it has to be organized and spread by surreal methods such as symbols, innuendoes, urban myths, propaganda, other forms of non-direct, non-verbal communication and/or by "cocktails" (mixtures) of some or all methods. Messages for organization, propaganda, improved propaganda, so forth, for the autogenocide are presented and distributed regularly or daily on the internet. Gop.com and the conservative "think-tanks" are prime conveyers.
Right-wing radio, "think-tanks" and other conservative/patriarchal organizations begin to verbally attack and demonize the targeted people, but they never infer to their permanent removal. This would make the autogenocide transparent. Still, these organizations and institutions, plus the corporate-owned media, purposely spread xenophobia throughout the land.
Local, state, and national politicians begin demonizing the citizens to be culled. They write and pass legislation to start the Siege. They try to become blissfully ignorant of the suffering and death and even when they know the truth, they respond by doing nothing (premeditated non legislation). Politicians do this because this is not what the hidden elite want (their reasons will be discussed later).
The media, owned, dominated and run by members of the elite continue to hide the truth from the village or minimize it when the truth comes to fore.
Support systems are taken away while others are bribed. Government help is cut off as much as possible. "Crises" are created (like a war, threats of terrorism, a virtual war, energy shortages) so public money must first be spent on those things. This purposely drains the public treasury of money and resources to try to save the unwanted.
Religion is bribed from speaking up by offering them juicy government contracts to privatize "charity." This swells their coffers and at the same time, hires members who will faithfully tithe part of their salaries back into the churches' coffers. The Christian "standard" for tithing is ten percent. More, evangelists get the bonuses of having captive audiences of desperate people to sell their religion and will to. Many of the extreme poor end up trading their souls for a bowl of soup and a sandwich at government-funded Christian soup kitchens and/or homeless shelters.
The internal police is built-up ("Homeland Security") and files are maintained on every citizen they can build a file on (so far its about 256 million Americans). The ruling patriarchs keep information on everyone just in case someone might decide to say something public about the autogenocide. The information kept by the government is used to Bully, Blackmail or Buy people (including politicians and victims) to keep their heads down, their eyes closed and their mouths shut.
A note about "Super Censuses": It helps those behind autogenocide determine who is to be "cleansed"/culled. Intrinsic things are factored in: gender, race, age, ethnicity, disabilities/physical handicaps, family lineage, socio-economic standing, perceived physical beauty/desireability (particularly for females), membership in "approved" religions, perceived power and/or potential, amount of loyalty/subjugation to authority established in patriarchal structures and systems, so forth.
6. Polarization. Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda. Extreme right groups and representatives target moderates to intimidate and silence the center.
Privileged, educated males from the extreme right start writing books like the "Bell Curve" (Charles Murray, Jr. and Richard Herrnstein) to "prove" that certain groups are subhuman or as the Nazis called them, "Untermenshen."
This separates the favored groups over the ones selected for permanent removal. The polarization forces the people who are safe from genocide to side with the government if they want to remain comfortable and/or live. Remember, anyone who doesn't agree with the American federal government is considered a "traitor" and traitors are scorned, ridiculed, hated, publicly denounced, humiliated and called "Benedict Arnold."
The middle-class try to stay "neutral," but by their silence and acceptance, they are on the side of autogenocide. The middle-class has to stay silent. Their privileged way of life for them and their children depends on this silence. In America, anyone can "fall from grace" and the best way to do this is to be a person of conscience and do or say something against the status quo.
7. Preparation. The village, victims, survivors and those in power are prepared for the genocide.
The autogenocide has to be conceived in invisibility and executed in invisibility. Suffering and resulting premature deaths have to blamed on something else: diseases, violence, hunger, homelessness, hopelessness, accidents, suicides, murders, so forth.
No one is going to visibly agree or assist in the holocaust. This means that its all done in the abstract. Welfare "reform" laws and other laws are hyped as "tough love" that means, in Orwellian or Alice-in-Wonderland language, that powerless people are being left to their own devices to survive without resources or enough resources to survive or have any kind of a quality of life.
Social forces from Mandora's Box are released from legal, third-parties. This includes legislation, non-legislation, bureaucracies and male institutions.
The groups to be removed are isolated. If they were isolated before, they are made more isolated
The young men are taken out of of the Targeted Neighborhoods/Groups. Before any kind of genocide can be carried out, the men of "battle age" (15-45) are always removed. Since the beginning of history, this has been the standard practice.
It also explains why laws and incarceration in America are aimed at imprisoning and/or disenfranchising men from groups scheduled to be removed. The major population of prisons in America are packed with poor and/or minority males of "prime" age. More and more of these males are being imprisoned all the time, thus emptying the ghettos, reservations, barrios and poor rural areas of men.
With males not around to physically, financially and emotionally protect their women, children, relatives and neighbors, these people are easy targets to disappear.
Social safety nets and jobs programs are removed or altered. This forces poverty, reinforces poverty and depresses the quality of life to the point people start dying in record numbers.
Racism and disenfranchises women/minorities/disabled from decent work so they're ushered into work that doesn't pay a living wage, plus workers without social power are many times forced to work dangerous jobs.
Public transportation in "red zones" does not help the people get to other areas of the cities so they can get better work. Medical insurance is impossible to afford or get from the low-wage jobs the disenfranchised work.
People are pushed deeper into debt and other crises like homelessness, hunger, disease, despair.
Civil wars between sub-groups are started by the elite and media to keep them not only isolated, divided and conquered, but to keep them in so much chaos that these groups have no chance to confederate and become a big enough political power to stop the suffering and deaths.
Schools in "useless eater" areas are purposely underfunded, thus bringing down the quality of life for individuals and communities. Quality of Life is very important: read on.
Quality of Life affects Life Outcome. If Quality of Life is high, people are usually healthier and live long. If Quality of Life is low or non-existent, many people will get sick and usually die from premature death. Bring down the overall quality of life in individuals/communities/groups and make sure that Quality of Life does not go up even an increment, and people will start dying in droves. Every professional politician knows this.
8. Extermination. The New Romans use the modern tactic of Silent Siege (Silent Slaughter) , which indirectly kills people. Isolate and starve people economically, physically, mentally, psychologically, materially, artistically, financially, spiritually, socially, and culturally (except for the nationalism and christian cultures that are toxic in themselves), and predictably, people will die of premature deaths from the stress caused by the isolation and starvation. Its not immediate death like the Nazi Holocaust, but it achieves the same result.
The media continues to keep the autogenocide hidden.
High stress factors lead to high mortality rates. Unleash ruthless, deadly social forces against certain individuals, groups, neighborhoods and/or communities and they will begin to implode. Every social worker, sociologist, psychologist, doctor, nurse, police, urban planner, politician, historian, military strategist, so forth knows this.
Add in all the factors of Stages of 7 and 8, and the body bags really begin to add up.
There is a scientific name for the "weathering away" of poor people by stress: AXIOM OF BIOLOGICAL STRESS FROM POVERTY. I believe that this name limits the scope of death by stress in the American landscape. The proper name to describe suffering and mortality should be: AXIOM OF BIOLOGICAL STRESS FROM OPPRESSION.
The victims are always blamed ("poor life choices" when they had no choices or only a choice of bad choices). They are blamed for their stress when the stressors are external and almost all are socially engineered, and socially engineered to kill.
When safety nets are gutted and politicians/economists/business leaders/sociologists/urban planners/scientists know it will result in the deaths of countless citizens, that is called socially engineering and "framing" social forces to target and kill the Untermenschen.
When politicians won't or refuse enact national healthcare insurance, knowing full well that it will result in premature death for a large number of people with no or low socio-economic value, that is called socially engineering autogenocide. It doesn't matter that the politicians are owned by pharmaceutical companies and private health care groups through campaign donations. When you enact legislation knowing full well that it will lead to enormous amounts of preventable death and you vote for it, you are committing autogenocide.
9. Denial. Because American Autogenocide is carried out in the abstract, thus the surreal, it is hard to prove. That's the evil beauty of it. The deed doesn't lead directly back to the leaders, but to the village itself. The blood is shared collectively and equally in the village because it is collective murder: it happened in a "democracy" (even if its mostly rich people directing it) and thus, the crime is owned by the whole village.
This phenomenon of community evil spreads the blood around so thinly that the remaining people don't see it on their hands. People who did not stand up against the autogenocide are as equally guilty as the leaders who caused it. This makes a village of denial and this enables the autogenocide to continue.
More, the corporate owned media ignores or downplays the suffering and death. These are forms of denial because hiding is a form of denial. If the media is someday confronted about the autogenocide and feels it has to "cover" itself, then it will work to deny the holocaust that happened under its watch.
Graduate students, organizations and others are having difficulty performing mortality studies (especially those related to the poor and/or minorities and singe women) on the local and state level. More, they are having a hard time getting any completed studies results reported by the media, including the internet. This makes connecting other studies and statistics difficult, if not impossible to prove the massive autogenocide. Hiding and distorting mortality rates plus preventing scholars, statisticians and other professional people from adding up the mortality numbers of other American communities and cities keeps the autogenocide invisible, thus denied.
Genocide is never directly traceable to the leaders who wanted it. This makes it easy for the elite, politicians, captains of industry and other instigators to deny it. Again, to this day, there is no physical proof (papers, orders) to link Hitler to the Nazi holocaust. Underlings gave the orders and executed the genocide, but everyone knows that orders for the holocaust came from the top.
It should be noted that the Nazis "cleansed" other people from their communities besides the Jews. They targeted the hopelessly unemployed, "immoral women" including prostitutes (prostitution is rife in hard patriarchal economic times), problematic women, the mentally ill, the non-heterosexuals, political enemies, minorities, so forth.
The New Holocaust in America is also cleansing US communities of the poor, "immoral" women (poor single mothers), problematic women (women who want to live independently of a male sponsor, feminists, so forth), the mentally ill, gays and, political enemies (Senator Paul Wellstone's death still remains a mystery), minorities and other unwanted people.
Why Autogenocide?
In a 1978 letter of resignation from his position of president of the UAW, Douglas Fraser wrote, "I believe leaders of the business community, with few exceptions, have chosen to wage a one-sided class war today in our country --a war against working people, the unemployed, the poor, the minorities, the very young and the very old, and even many in the middle class of our society..."
1. Autogenocide has been solving the population problems of the American elite since the beginning of the country. Its been applied in many different forms over the centuries: small pox blankets and starvation for Indians; cannons fired at protesters in the mid-1800's, the disappearances of little towns who resisted selling out to the Railroad Barons; the CIA introduction of crack to ghetto neighborhoods; criminalizing anything to keep the prisons full of members of certain groups; letting Dickensian poverty in its modern form make people suffer and die prematurely. Thus, American Autogenocide is "business as usual, " making American Autogenocide inherently institutional.
2. American autogenocide hides the deficiencies of American-Anglo Saxon (AASAX) capitalism until it controls all the markets of the world. Capitalism, by its nature alone, simply cannot provide enough paying work for all the workers who need work in America. More, the number of jobs are declining while the number of workers is rising. Quite simply: industry has no use for many people.
3. Killing off the excess population is cheaper, easier and faster than having to deal with them. In capitalistic thought and lexicon, this is called "efficiency."
Low, non or negative producers are costly for a pay-as-you-go, you're-on-your-own (YOYO), pull-yourself-up-with-your-bootsraps merchant society. People without work or with little work and/or without money, still need food, shelter, emergency help, medical care, so forth.
Since the famous "restructuring" of the economy (which is also a restructuring of society back to a close resemblance of the old white patriarchal power hierarchy), more and more people-usually those from the lower tiers of society--can not earn enough money to properly live. This leads to tax money spent on social and emergency services. The rich complain that the tax money could have been better used-used for the priorities of the elite: tax reduction; reduction of capital gains taxes to zero; greater dividends to rich investor; huge salaries and pay packages to CEOs; so forth.
4. As mentioned above, the political and economic elite are restructuring society back to its original institutional, constitutional model of plutocracy and its support model, the elite patriarchal hierarchy of subordination.
5. Autogenocide is utilitarian but the sacrifice of the victims is not for the benefit of the village, but for the benefit of the economic and political elite.
6. Now that the country's infrastructure is in place and hardwired into the federal government, surplus people aren't needed and won't be needed in the future.
7. The wealthy elite and many big businesses are against paying taxes (cuts into their net profits) and governments (local, state and federal) have to raise taxes to support the poor and disenfranchised. Eliminate as much poor as you can so the demand for helping them (and for taxes to do it) drops.
8. Too many unwanted people might figure it out and organize themselves as a force to be reckoned with.
9. Too many people with no hope, no hope for the future and nothing to lose can result in organizing, protests, strikes and rage-fueled riots.
10. Too many poor, disenfranchised and/or minorities with votes threaten the established power and wealth structures. Within 50 years, it is projected that there will be more minorities than whites. This new majority could take out the elite, white patriarchal system. This makes the current autogenocide a "preemptive" genocide. It guarantees continued power and wealth of the elite by keeping the majority of votes in the hands of whites.
11. It is negative population control. America is running out of room for its current population which is continually expanding. Over population can result in greater pollution, social suffering and epidemics. In the mind of patriarchal leaders, somebody has to be removed, so the powerless-the people few will speak up for-are quietly and invisibly removed.
12. Autogenocide can remove enough people to let the earth heal so the rich and powerful can continue plundering it and enslaving the world's populations.
13. Symbolically and literally scapegoats and punishes the powerless for the deeds of the real culprits, the ruling and financial elite. Vents the anger and frustration of the remaining villagers at someone "safe" to blame.
14. It is a result of the natural institutional racism of the System.
15. It is a predictable result of corrupt patriarchal power.
16. It is modern witch-burning. Male economics has historically struggled with the problem of unemployed women and women without male sponsors. Patriarchal societies have historically responded by killing/burning them as witches. It is estimated that ten million people, mostly women, were killed as witches from 1400-1750 and most of these killings were related to economics, patriarchal control of females and the use of scapegoats to soothe the village's anger/tension over corruption, plagues, wars, so forth.
17. Arrogance and racism.
18. Pleasure and the thrill of being able to kill and get away with it.
19. Greed and selfishness.
20. Entrenches more power and wealth in the hands of elite.
21. Shapes reality and the country to the elite's patriarchal, market ideology, will and dreams.
21. Reduces the numbers in slums. Slums are incubators for plagues and civil wars or civil rights movements.
22. Thins out the middle-class. As with all patriarchal hierarchies, there are sub-hierarchies within them. Examples are the hierarchy of white women, the hierarchy of minorities (by skin color, gender, age, so forth). For example, the federal government has several categories for Hispanics, including "White Hispanic." There is also a sub-hierarchy for the middle-class.
In the early days of the country, a small middle-class existed. Many modern politicians embellish the truth about the colonial middle-class to connect some kind of mystical American middle-class of yesteryear to the American middle-class of now. Its all propaganda. The colonial middle-class was small and more prominent along the sea coast.
The Founding Fathers, most wealthy, untitled aristocrats, never intended for a large middle-class to exist in America. Only the descendants of the existing colonial middle-class were to be allowed to be middle-class. Constitutional scholars know this.
Controlling the number of the middle-class worked for almost two hundred years until unionization, the GI Bill and other government programs helped villagers from the lower working class tiers strive to achieve the American Dream. The new middle-class became a problem for the traditional, inherited, historically- and politically- guaranteed white middle-class.
Now that we are facing a work-less world, the elite has no use for such a large layer of middle-class. The primary reason is because they are expensive in a colonial capitalist system whose wealth was designed to accumulate in the hands of the few elite. The nouveau middle-class have come to expect work with decent wages and fringe benefits when the world is flooded with the unemployed, thus the privileges of the last half of the 20th century have become antiquated. This is one of the realities of the "invisible" hand of the market.
Too many middle-class pose other problems for the elite: if there are too many of them, some will vote left or away from patriarchy. It may be legal, but it is a social faux pas against the masters of society.
Autogenocide is the perfect way for the elite to thin out the classes so they are disappeared or more manageable. Not only that, everyone gets the invisible messages of terror, so they are more likely to do as they are told.
Autogenocide tells everyone in the village what their place is and what happens to those who "fail" or "fall." It doesn't matter if the loser were destined to fail. In a highly materialistic, pay-as-you-go-society there are no margins for compassion and empathy. Those things don't make money but cost it.
In the end, American autogenocide has always been about maintaining the current power structure and System, that acts like a modern (evolved) version of the the colonial period power structure and System. The only difference is that modern politicians don't wear broad-coats and powdered wigs.
Faye Weldon, British writer and feminist said, "Everything has changed but nothing is different" about feminism. The same thing can be said about American government since its beginning to now.
23. New American Eugenics in a New American Gilded Age. Despite the weak laws and strong propaganda, America remains classiest and racist. Racism is unavoidable because it is institutional and because in patriarchal economies, where the elite receive the lion's share of the village's wealth, racism works as a selection tool to determine who gets the remaining crumbs and how much.
The first Gilded Age was the era from post-Civil War/ post-Reconstruction Era from 1865 to 1930. This time in American history saw unprecedented economic, territorial, industrial, and population expansion. There was a great increase in ethnic and racial diversity. Social tensions grew as a result of a decreasing Anglo-Saxon majority. The economic gap between rich and poor was great. At the end of this Gilded Age, the elite of America and their institutions began supporting a pseudo-science called eugenics that promised to help solve the social problems of that age.
From its beginning, eugenics has been supported by prominent thinkers, including Plato, Sir Francis Galton, Charles Darwin, Alexander Graham Bell, George Bernard Shaw, and Winston Churchill, and was an academic discipline at many colleges and universities.
American Eugenics was conceived at the onset of the twentieth century and was implemented by America's wealthiest, most powerful, most learned and most influential individuals and institutions, including the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Harriman railroad fortune (the Bush family fortune comes from deep, intimate business relationships with the Harriman family), Harvard University, Princeton University, Yale University, Stanford University, the American Medical Association, Margaret Sanger, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Robert Yerkes, Woodrow Wilson, the American Museum of Natural History, the American Genetic Association and a sweeping array of government agencies from the obscure Virginia Bureau of Vital Statistics to the U.S. State Department.
American eugenicists sought to methodically terminate all the racial groups, ethnic groups and social classes they disliked, feared or deemed a threat to established power, then or later on.
Their goal was to sterilize fourteen million people in the United States and millions more worldwide-the "lower tenth." Afterwards, they planned to eradicate the remaining lowest tenth until only a pure Nordic super race remained on the face of the earth.
American eugenicists exported their philosophy to nations throughout the world including Nazi Germany. More, American elite, through foundations, gave grants to Germany for its eugenics program.
The American Eugenics Society was organized in 1921, following the Second International Conference on Eugenics held in New York City in that year. In 1972, the American Eugenics Society was reorganized and renamed The Society for the Study of Social Biology.
These modern economic times have been called the New Gilded Age because it compares with the first Gilded Age. Today's economic and social conditions, including the enormous inequality that is becoming greater (the gap between the elite and the poor), mirror those of yesteryear. White Supremacist books like The Bell Curve have once been legitimized and praised by the status quo. Eugenic ideas are circulating again, but this time with fury, thus greater power.
Eugenics and genocide is synonymous. This is because eugenics provides a big justification for genocide.
A 1911 study, financed by the Carnegie Institution, identified eighteen possible methods of implementing eugenics in American and around the world. Gas chambers were deemed to be the most effective method, but it was felt that American society was not yet prepared to accept them (and this is where the Germans got first got their idea for gas chambers). Thus,a number of other eugenic methods were adopted, most notably mass sterilization. By marshaling government forces to continually identify and sterilize those citizens deemed unfit for reproduction, it was estimated that the ultimate goal of the master race could be achieved over a period of generations.
The world is running out of any kind of paying work and because work in America is rewarded and rewarded along patriarchal-defined class lines, the bottom twenty percent-mostly minorities, single adult women, disabled, gays/lesbians (despite the media hype, many are poor), the poor, so forth-will be hopelessly unemployed in the future. What is to be done with these people that industry and power elite have no use for and are loathe to support? These people are negative numbers on the balance sheets of a corporate country.
As before-mentioned (#3), it is easier, cheaper and faster to kill undesired groups of people than to help them live decently.
Cause & Effect-The Principle of Causality/Determinism
A. Spirkin writes, "All certainty in our relationships with the world rests on acknowledgement of causality. Causality is a genetic connection of phenomena through which one thing (the cause) under certain conditions gives rise to, causes something else (the effect). The essence of causality is the generation and determination of one phenomenon by another. In this respect causality differs from various other kinds of connection, for example, the simple temporal sequence of phenomena, of the regularities of accompanying processes. For example, a pinprick causes pain. Brain damage causes mental illness. Causality is an active relationship, a relationship which brings to life some thing new, which turns possibility into actuality. A cause is an active and primary thing in relation to the effect. But "after this" does not always mean "because of this". It would be a parody of justice if we were to say that where there is punishment there must have been a crime.
Causality is universal. Nowhere in the world can there be any phenomena that do not give rise to certain consequences and have not been caused by other phenomena. Ours is a world of cause and effect or, figuratively speaking, of progenitors and their progeny. Whenever we seek to retrace the steps of cause and effect and find the first cause, it disappears into the infinite distances of universal interaction. But the concept of cause is not confined to interaction. Causality is only a part of universal connection. The universality of causality is often denied on the grounds of the limited nature of human experience, which prevents us from judging the character of connections beyond what is known to science and practice. And yet we know that no scientist restricts his reasoning to what he can immediately perceive. The whole history of humanity, of all scientific experiment knows no exception to the principle of determinism.
The connection between cause and effect takes place in time. This temporary relation may be defined in various ways. Some people believe that cause always precedes effect, that there is a certain interval between the time when the cause begins to act (for example, the interaction of two systems) and the time the effect appears. For a certain time cause and effect coexist, then the cause dies out and the consequence ultimately becomes the cause of something else. And so on to infinity." (Source)
Autogenocide and the Principle of Causality/Determinism
Autogenocide is socially-engineering predetermined outcomes by cause and effect. Because it is done through legal means and arenas, American autogenocide is a procedure that is little more than a carefully-orchestrated effort to cast an aura of legitimacy over an entirely illegitimate set of predetermined outcomes.
A Favorite Tool of Autogenocide
If poverty is essentially murder, then the issue of income inequality needs to be looked upon differently. A society that allows high levels of inequality is in essence killing its own citizens." Rochie Saks, Income Inequality and its Repercussions for Us, page 131 (Source)
David Williams and his colleagues at the University of Michigan (http://www.parkridgecenter.org/Page78.html) found that people with annual incomes of under $10,000 had more than three times the risk of dying in a given year as those who made more than $30,000. Scores of other studies have produced similar findings.
Socioeconomic status is one of the strongest predictors of health and longevity. Researchers have found that at each step down the socioeconomic ladder, health is poorer on average and people die younger.
The U.S. income distribution is currently among the most unequal in the industrialized world, and life expectancy in the U.S. lags behind that of any developed countries. Recent research suggests that these two occurrences may be linked--that the unequal distribution of income in the U.S. affects the health of the populace.
Growing income inequality is a direct result from the cause of the elite restructuring society and economics. Growing income inequality-a sharp trend in the United States since the early 1980s-results in a breakdown of social cohesion, increased competition for scarce resources and greater levels of stress, frustration, despair, hopelessness and depression: all that usually lead to poorer health.
When a scientist studies American autogenocide, the best forensic tools are charting cause and effect from government action that predetermined the outcomes. For example, the government has constantly protected the health industry over the needs of citizens, particularly those citizens who can not afford medical insurance. It is a statistical fact that people-usually the most helpless of all in society-who don't have health insurance have a 25% higher chance of dying.
"... I am a social worker at a local mental health center in Southern Ohio... Our funding has been cut and we now cannot enroll people without insurance. Our local health clinic that served people without insurance is also getting their funding cut and will probably close. The evidence of a class war is so evident in this area. If you don't have insurance you don't deserve to live. It is getting harder and harder to get Medicaid in Ohio even if you are disabled, so go off and kill yourself or die of an easily treated disease..." Steve from Ohio
Economists can predict economic trends and forecasts. Their reports always end up on the desks of the elite, politicians and planners. Politicians shredded the social safety nets when they knew that there was not enough jobs for all the bodies that would need them. Politicians knew that this would cause great suffering and death and it has. Ten years later, the numbers are starting to trickle in. The poor, single females and/or minorities are starting to die in large numbers.
The modern American autogenocide is primarily carried out by legislature. Politicians and other representatives from the status quo, including Big Business, cleverly draft laws that cause negative social forces to target and stress out the populations selected for elimination.
Taught in graduate psychology classes, B-O-B is a simple scientific tool and barometer to explain the outcomes of cause and effect (Causality/Determinism). B-O-B means Behavior (How does it behave?), Outcome (What Are the Outcomes?) and Benefit (Who Benefits?)
Complex things, including systems and how they work, can be more easily understood and subsequently diagramed by breaking down the components with B-O-B. A social or cultural scientist always knows that major social change/restructuring usually occurs to Benefit someone or something. Thus, the decoding with the B-O-B model can start with looking for who benefits.
The patriarchal elite obviously benefit from American autogenocide, but others do as well. They are the rest of the villagers who are allowed to live, although the New America is going to look and act more like it did a hundred years ago, only with modern buildings and technology.
In a raptor-vicious market, competition for resources, including jobs, is more fierce and ruthless than ever. Permanently disappeared villagers and their generations means less competition for the economic and social scraps that are left over after the few elite have received their enormous share. More, the property of the deceased is distributed to the remaining villagers in many ways, including public auctions where property is sold cheaper than if it had been sold on the market.
What's American Autogenocide Really About?
Power. The greatest motive for American autogenocide is Power. Power means imposing your patriarchal/materialistic/greedy/capitalistic/selfish will on someone else: it is the control of human lives to the point of being able to manipulate them, influence them, destroy them and/or take them at whim or with righteous, legal or biblical justification.
Human evil is that which destroys human lives. Autogenocide is the pinnacle of human evil.
M. Scott Peck, M.D., author of People of the Lie, profiles evil people: they have no regard for the truth; they lie and live in a world of lies. They are masters of disguise and cloak themselves with masks of respectability, goodness and often piety. Religiosity is a common and effective disguise. More, it is the appearance of propriety and respectability that is the important factor to cloaking the evil of the person.
Peck defines evil as: "The exercise of political power-that is, the imposition of one's will upon others by overt or covert coercion..." Or in other words, it is the use "of political power to destroy others," for the purpose of defending or preserving the integrity of one's sick self (or group).
American Autogenocide Told From An Eye Witness
It was a Minnesota State Representative who told me about autogenocide. This happened in August of 1998. I called him at his home. Many times, I'd call him about news reports I had seen on television announcing that the "government" reported a surplus of jobs and a shortage of workers. This was almost the daily news in the late 1990's. Chronically under-employed, I wanted to know where these jobs were. Nobody ever seemed to know. When I'd call the television station or Job Service and actually talked with a live being on the other end of the phone (most of the time I would be forwarded to an answering machine), someone would promise to call back and never did.
Almost ten years later, most people know that it was all propaganda. The abundance of jobs that the government and media constantly told the village about didn't exist.
When I called the politician this time, I was worried about the upcoming vote to continuance of the end of welfare. The state government was forcing the most poorest and helpless women in the village to work, when work was almost impossible to find and when it was found, it paid minimum-wage, was part-time and offered no fringe benefits. Armed with research I had been doing, I told him there was not enough work for all the workers in the village.
"How are these women and their children supposed to survive on part-time work and no welfare?" I asked. "Don't you know that many women and children are going to die if you do this?"
I could hear his frustration with me as the tone of his voice changed on the other end of the phone line. Exasperated, he told me, "Okay, Martha, I am going to tell you something off the record. If you ever tell anyone, I will deny it." I listened carefully as he proceeded to tell me something that shocked me all the way to the core of my being.
First, he asked me, "What do you know about farming?"
I replied, "What does farming have to do with women not getting work?"
He replied, "A lot and I'll get to that in a moment." Then he told me that economists, industry and politicians knew that the 'flush' economy was going to last until around the year 2000 (he was right), and then 'welfare reform' would have to be shelved because the more privileged people in society would demand all the remaining jobs of a slagging economy. This didn't happen because the Will of the Elite became too powerful and entrenched, plus the virtual war on "terror" that sucks all the money out of the treasury and spent on the new police state instead of citizens who are going to die from governmental neglect.
The local politician told me that in the interim, someone, namely women and children, had to be sacrificed. Yes, he said, politicians knew that some innocent people were going to die, but 'welfare reform' was a 'red button' political issue that 'had to be addressed' because the middle-class and the upper-classes did not want to pay taxes to support disadvantaged people. Therefore, some of the most powerless people had been targeted for elimination from society.
"It is no big deal," he told me, "Every society does it. Think of it in these terms: Farmers don't keep animals that cost more than they produce. People in power have to make those same decisions regarding people just like farmers have to make the same decisions regarding livestock. Someone has to control the size of the herd. Unlike animals, it is the powerless, not the sick or lame, that are selected to be removed.
Politicians have to make difficult, executive decisions for their constituents, even if it seems unfair. That's what they are elected for and they are giving the voters what they really want. If politicians refuse to make these decisions, they won't get reelected. There are lots of people willing to run for office and make those executive decisions if the current politicians won't do it. These choices are natural and a fact of life, Martha. I told you, every society does it."
Surprised and confused, I replied, "Wait a minute, are you telling me that our society intentionally kills our own people, even women and children, only because the wealthy don't want to share? That these deaths are intentionally planned? Don't the wealthy know that poverty is one of the 'natural' byproducts of capitalism, that capitalism depends on an official 'average' five percent unemployed to hold it up? Are you telling me that all politicians, local ones to national ones, not only know about this murder but willingly participate in it?"
"All of them know about it, Martha," he told me. "Now you do, too. Don't ever call me again and don't ever quote me. I'll deny I ever told you this."
"Wait!" I said, "How you can be a part of this and live with your conscience?"
He hung up on me. I tried to call him several times after that and he would never talk to me.
Putting Flesh and Blood On the Surreal
Any kind of a murder is surreal. It is a symbol of power: Someone has taken someone else's life. It is a symbol of evil, of the dark side of the human existence/experience. The first book of the Bible, Genesis, gives murder (particularly murder of your brother) not only the symbol of ultimate evil, but its parable is a warning to all humans.
Murder always creates a surreal atmosphere. Its name and dynamics are psychological "red buttons" that the psyche (subconscious) recognizes before the conscious. Murder is always dark and it hides in the darkest places that people don't want to peer into because of many reasons including the fact that it might affect their conscience and make them depressed.
Only the perpetrators, researchers and real thirsters of justice will look inside these dark places. You have to have courage to do this because these dark places are rabidly shielded and watched by guards of the elite. Like any murderer, the persons who caused the murder will do everything to keep the evidence hidden. In the case of Silent Autogenocides like the one that is happening in America, the truth of it will remain hidden until all the players have long since left life's arena. More, few ever mourn for the loss of weakest members of society.
When the spotlight is on the murderer, motivation, premeditation, biographies, facts and more are explored to depth. When the spotlight never reaches the murders or the murderers, its accepted by most people that the perpetrators will probably get away with it.
This is not always the truth, particularly in the case of autogenocide.
Forensic anthropologist Clyde Snow, speaking before the May, 1984 meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, correctly said,"Of all the forms of murder, none is more monstrous than that committed by a state against its own citizens... The homicidal state shares one trait with the solitary killer--like all murderers, it trips on its own egoism and drops a trail of clues which, when properly collected, preserved and analyzed are as damning as a signed confession left in the grave."
In the two months it has taken to write this article, the author estimates that at least 20,000 Americans have died from autogenocide. These deaths include any kind of premature death by any of the legion of ills that poverty creates or exacerbates. Deaths can include exposure, accidents, gunshots, hunger, drug overdose, lack of medicine or medical care, suicides, homicides, asthma deaths from breathing cockroach feces, cancer, tuberculosis, AIDS, so forth.
Americans, even the ones on the left, are trained (brainwashed) from the cradle to only accept the truth in spoonfuls. This essay is more than a spoonful of truth. Only the most courageous readers have read this far.
Its time to wake the Sleeping Village up! Its time to throw the wild cards on the table and start the dialogue that needs to be started.
The economic and political elite of America have cognitively rigged the Lottery of Life to force premature deaths of those not valuable to white male society and/or industry. The full consequences of mean-hearted, reckless, racist, patriarchal, right-wing Christian, laissez faire capitalism legislation won't be seen for years. By then, tens of millions of unwanted citizens will be dead before their time. That's how American autogenocide works.
Socialists, feminists, activists, minority groups, women's groups, social service groups, ghetto committees, Indian reservation councils, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, ACORN, the Black Panthers, the Gray Panthers, prisoner groups, so forth, need to start counting the deaths around them, including statistics like race, age, income and cause of death. No longer can the usual "causes of death" be attributed to victims of autogenocide. New categories, like "poverty" and "the violence of poverty" need to be considered as primary causes of death with the physical diseases listed as secondary causes.
A central organization or website needs to be established to begin the grim task of counting the bodies of victims and disseminating the information. Once the counting begins, the picture is going to be bigger than anyone ever imagined. It has to be done or the American autogenocide will continue.
The villagers from the lower tiers of society have to collect the death information and find someone neutral to interpret this data.
From the cradle to the grave, propaganda sewn everywhere in the social tapestry tells us that the government and its agents are infallible. As in "the good old days," almost every politician prostitutes themselves to the elite and big business today. Look at who's in the White House right now and how the country's run. The government or corporate-owned media can not be trusted to perform this counting. The people-people in every corner of the US-have to count, literally.
For further reading, I suggest Michael Parenti's article Hidden Holocaust, USA
I recommend that everyone in the world read THE RELIGION OF POWER by Cheryl Forbes. Although I am a pagan and this is a "Christian" book, it is the best book I have found so far that describes power and how it works in this world.
Martha Rose Crow is a feminist, socialist, poet and writer living in the Netherlands. A social economist and cultural scientist, she holds four university degrees in Marketing, Management, Communication and Information Media (master's degree). She can be contacted at martharosecrow@excite.com
"Useless Eaters"
Attrition By Stress
"Welfare Reform"
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