Sunday, January 30, 2005

Can You, Yes, YOU, Save the World Through Quantum Physics??

Possibly, but it's hard work . . . . .

My main interest in life is metaphysics. Why things are the way they are. Considering the state of the world today, it's a consuming interest. Why do people do the stupid things they do, in the face of all logic and sense. Why do the leaders of nations do the stupid things they do, and their countrymen (and women) follow along in the face of all logic and common sense?

If you've done the New Age rounds, you will have no doubt, come across the idea of "you create your own reality" or YCYOR for short. The idea is that if you only give attention to the things you want around you, the unwanted stuff, the problems, worries, conflicts, bad hair days, etc. will go away. By praying for and "affirming" the reality you want to inhabit, your life should flow smoothly and happily. Looking up and around from your own little life, you may notice that a lot of other folks are also having conflicts, problems, and often, have considerably more to worry about than bad hair days. Most people have good hearts and want to do something about that. The idea of YCYOR gets extended to concentrating on the good things you want for these people. You may pray for them or send "love and light" to them. It seems a noble idea.

But, does it work? Look around. Doesn't seem to. Hasn't seems to work in any really effective fashion, even though it's been tried before:

"Over sixty million people died [in WWII] because God didn't do what everybody thought he should do. C.S. Lewis struggled with this issue in the latter part of his life. He saw clearly that, before World War II, practically every human being on the planet was praying—to Jesus, God the Father, the Virgin Mary, Allah, Buddha and whoever else you can name or mention, so all the bases were covered—that this terrible thing would not happen. The memory of the previous “Great War” was still fresh in the mind of mankind. They remembered the horrible carnage and vowed, never again!

In the end, after the most mighty cry of prayer in human memory, rising from the earth, almost one-third of the world was uninhabitable and sixty-five million human beings were dead.

That was God’s answer to prayer.

That was the result of the "power of positive thinking."


And yet, in the back of the mind, the idea won't go away. Could it be that there is a germ of truth to it?
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I do a lot of net surfing. For starters, it's faster than going to the library and often times a lot cheaper than buying out the local metaphysical bookstore (which I have come close to doing along the way.) These days I mostly concentrate on Fourth Way-type the material by G. Gurdjieff, P.D. Ouspensky, Carlos Castenada, and lately Boris Mouravieff. I guess I came to settle on them, because they don't coddle you. Spiritual development, in their view is hard, exhausting, often unhappy work. As a former professional dancer, I know in my bones that any kind worthwhile progress only comes from hard, exhausting, often unhappy work. A real contrast to the cotton-candy notions served up by most New Age books and sites, i.e. "Say this chant at sunrise and sunset each day, and it will raise the vibrations of the planet and bring about world peace". Really? See the quote above.

Yet the idea persists. Does how you see the world have an effect on it? The early experiments regarding the nature of light got things rolling. You know, light can behave like a particle or like a wave depending on how the observer set up the observing equipment. Then there was Schrodinger's Cat, the thought experiment where a cat in a sealed box seemed to be both alive and not, until it was observed. All states of reality seemed possible until they were observed. If you didn't pay attention to the hard math of the idea, it seemed logical that choosing what you observed consistently and with intent should allow you to shape your reality. Especially if you had a whole whack of people concentrating on the same thing. YCYOR. But it still doesn't work. Look around at the world today. War, famine, thousands persecuted for any number of reason. Thing suck all over.
In the course of surfing these topics, I came across a section of an article than among other things, discusses this very idea. There is extension of quantum physics called Event Enhanced Quantum Theory or EEQT for short, being researched by Arkadiusz Jadczyk. It's near the end of a page by his wife, author Laura Knight Jadczyk

According to EEQT if the expectations of the observer are close to the actual state of the system, the system jumps, more often than not, into more organized, less chaotic state.

If, on the other hand, the expectation of the observer is close to the negation of the actual state (that is when the observer's beliefs are closer to being false than to being true according to the ACTUAL state - the objective reality), then the state of the system, typically, will jump into a state that is more chaotic, less organized. Moreover, it will take, as a rule, much longer time to accomplish such a jump.

In other words, if the observer's knowledge of the actual state is close to the truth, then the very act of observation and verification causes a jump quickly, and the resulting state is more organized. If the observer's knowledge of the actual state is false, then it takes usually a long time to cause a change in the state of the system, and the resulting state is more chaotic.

What this means is that order can be brought out of chaos by observing chaos as it IS and not pretending that it is otherwise.

In short, everyone who "believes" in an attempt to "create reality" that is different from what IS, increases the chaos and entropy. If your beliefs are orthogonal to the truth, no matter how strongly you believe them, you are essentially coming into conflict with how the Universe views itself and I can assure you, you ain't gonna win that contest. You are inviting destruction upon yourself and all who engage in this "staring down the universe" exercise with you.

On the other hand, if you are able to view the Universe as it views itself, objectively, without blinking, and with acceptance, you then become more "aligned" with the Creative energy of the universe and your very consciousness becomes a transducer of order. Your energy of observation, given unconditionally, can bring order to chaos, can create out of infinite potential.

Ok. So how does that possibly apply to one's life?

Well, as an example, how many of you have a friend/sister/brother/child that persists in making bad choices. Choices about relationships, jobs or even more fun, "lifestyle choices" (drugs, alcohol, sex etc) You love them, you care about them, and you are there to support and help them, and in many cases, clean up the mess. You may do this over and over. Objectively, is it working? If so, your life should have become more organized, more stable. No serial crises, midnight calls, covering bills. No? It's still going on?

Then maybe your observation of the situation is flawed. Subjective. After all, you can make decisions based only on the information you gather. If you aren't getting all the information available, then perhaps the observer (YOU) isn't able to perceive the available data accurately. In Fourth Way thought, this is sometimes called a reading error. So what is blinding you? It could be family patterns of behaviors playing out over and over again, cultural biases, or simply the natural desire to protect those we love. But the important question is: Does what you do help? Do your actions effect a change in the situation?

In short, everyone who "believes" in an attempt to "create reality" that is different from what IS, increases the chaos and entropy. If your beliefs are orthogonal to the truth, no matter how strongly you believe them, you are essentially coming into conflict with how the Universe views itself and I can assure you, you ain't gonna win that contest. You are inviting destruction upon yourself and all who engage in this "staring down the universe" exercise with you.

So the first order of business would seem to be to correct the reading error in ourselves. This part of the beginning of the hard, exhausting, often unhappy work that true spiritual teachers talk about. Further, just as a fish probably has no idea of water, we can't see the buffers we have created against the data we find unpleasant to acknowledge (e.g. the sister with the string of loser boyfriends who just isn't getting it). We need the help of other people who demonstrate that they handle the same situations with much better results. They can see in us what we can't see in ourselves.

In other words, if the observer's knowledge of the actual state is close to the truth, then the very act of observation and verification causes a jump quickly, and the resulting state is more organized.

As we get to understand ourselves better, and compensate for the knee-jerk behaviour responses caused by family, cultural and other programming, we may be able to start making better decisions about life. It may involve not riding to the rescue of the person who continues to repeat destructive behaviour. It may involve leaving a job or a relationship that only drains you. Or it may mean staying for practical reasons of survival, but being very clear to yourself about why. It means telling the truth about you to yourself. It means to stop LYING.

The more your observations and interactions with your environment are appropriate to the circumstances of that environment, the more orderly it ought to become. That may be one way to measure the accuracy (objectivity) of your perceptions.

On the other hand, if you are able to view the Universe as it views itself, objectively, without blinking, and with acceptance, you then become more "aligned" with the Creative energy of the universe and your very consciousness becomes a transducer of order. Your energy of observation, given unconditionally, can bring order to chaos, can create out of infinite potential.

It's no that your life becomes problem-free, but that you are more capable of making accurate, effective decisions about your life's circumstances as they unfold.

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So, how can this possibly save the world? Just a water wears away rock, each person who can learn to overcome their own programming and begin to see their portion of the world as accurately and objectively as possible, may add to the overall "orderliness" of the world:

What this means is that order can be brought out of chaos by observing chaos as it IS and not pretending that it is otherwise.

By flowing with and responding appropriately to the world as it IS, continuously enlarging our areas of awareness, we may be able to accomodate an ever larger order of events that may befall us:

Humanity appears to be moving through a momentous cycle of change,encompassing chaos and confusion, death and destruction. Why? Conspiracieshave existed since the time of Cain and Abel. Facts of history have beenaltered to support the illusion. It’s no longer a question of whether or notdeception occurs - it does - but whether a sufficient number of human beingscan see through the deceptions, thus creating a counter-force for positivechange - the “gold of humanity” - during the upcoming times of Macro-CosmicQuantum Shift.

If you find these ideas interesting, you may want to check out a longer article called "The Wave".

It's quite a ride

Blue Ibis

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Today was my favourite kind of day. Not only was I not scheduled for my part-time retail job, I didn't get a call from either temp agency. Time to finish the living room curtains (only been working on them since last April), get some laundry done, stay current with my net groups, make up a really good post for here , answer some mail, and on and on. The multi-tasking thing. In short, the day was full of promise . . . .

Well, it is now the end of the day, and it wasn't a total loss. I got one set of big windows done, and valance of the last one. Some laundry was done (some ironing too!), I'm current with the daily reading,. No mail got answered, and while this IS getting done, it is being wung (past tense of "to wing" :} ) big-time.

I always wonder on days like this which is the better approach.

Usually when I have had a project, like these @$#&#&%$ curtains (we're talkin' seven BIG windows here), it's all I want to do. Or if I'm doing my 'net work, that's what I want to do. Or getting the (also really big) garden ready. Or whatever. Don't want to think about making a new resume, or the cleaning the bathrooms, or dinner or another big project. Just focus on the thing I wanted to get done. "Whoops, 7:30? P.M.? Oh yeah, food. Right, sorry". Things were really bad when I was doing costumes professionally.

Today was mostly wandering from sewing, to chores, to reading, to whatever and back again. Putzing. A lot of areas were advanced, but nothing is Done. Twinges of guilt here. Is this a matter of willpower? Should I feel badly about it? Partly it is not having a deadline. Nothing like an opening night coming up to keep you on track. This is an ex-adrenaline junky talking.

But I had fun today. The lack of deadline was part of the enjoyment. I've had to learn that. To allow things to develop in their own time. Maybe the trick is to find the balance between driving to Achieve the Goal, and the soothing qualities of Putz.

Putzing with Purpose?? (Could be the next self -help book there!)

Blue Ibis

Monday, January 17, 2005

Conversational Quirks

In the last month, I've has a most interesting temporary assignment in a "mystery shopping" company. It's an organization that coordinates hiring people to observe the stores and staff of retail businesses and the businesses which rely on the information gathered. No doubt you've seen the web ads like "Get paid to shop". This is link to some mystery shopping companie's application area. Retail is a competitive field, in which good service or bad can make the difference in the bottom line, so this information gathering is becoming a huge business. .
My job initially was to make as many phone calls a day as I could manage, to those who had applied and been accepted to be a mystery shopper (this was done through the recruting page of the website) as well as reminder calls to those who's assignments were coming due. I would make around three hundred or more calls each day, depending on the amount of time that had to be spent on each one. Ninety per cent of them were to the US. That it was an eyeopener is putting it mildly. Here are some observations:
First off, telemarketers have almost completely subverted the basic forms of polite exchange between people. They seem to be the only ones who still observe the "form" of proper telephone etiquette as was the norm for so long. Now it is the big tip-off that an unwanted caller is on the line. Things that I was taught were the simple courtesies of phone manners ("Hello, is this the x residence?" wait for answer, "Is so-and-so available?", etc.) would more often than not bring a very hostile sounding "Yeeees, WHY?" When I got the chance to identify myself , the mood would shift markedly. I was representing something they were interested in. I've even had the person I was looking for, lie that it was them. If the person wasn't home and whoever answered didn't know about the job application, I'd have to do some quick tap dancing to explain the call. It wasn't a universal reaction; some people were delightful to speak to, but it was over 80%. Defusing that low-grade hostility over and over was the most exhausting part of the job. Sometimes I wonder if this subversion isn't deliberate. How can you have a meaningful exchange of ideas when you are afraid almost, of picking up your own phone? Given the political climate in the US, this could be useful state of things for some?
Secondly, what's up with "This is." as a complete statement to acknowledge one's presence? The first time I heard that one, we both were silent until I realized this was the entire answer to "Is so-and-so available?" Then there was the alternative "Yes", leading me to expect that so-and-so is going to be called to the phone. Again more silence. I caught on to both, but it was always jarring. It got me to thinking. Is this an extension of "e-mail-ese", with its disregard for spelling, punctuation and other forms of organized thought? Is everyone's time so precious that verbal interaction is as short and clipped as possible? I am from the States, though I haven't lived there for some time. It was like calling a foreign country.
I realize this is a rant on a minor subject, at least on the surface. Even Shakespeare was villified in his time for introducing "misbegotten words" into the purity of the Queen'sEnglish. Still, I think it might have deeper meanings than just changes in verbal taste or fashion. And not just the ones everyone complains about, i.e. "the quality of education these days".
More later
Blue Ibis

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Hello and welcome to this blog. I've not done something like this before, so we will both get to go on the journey!

My main interest in life has been metaphysics since my early teens. The question of how to be "in the world but not of it" has occupied me for a lot of that time, although it wasn't always phrased that way. In other words, how can the material of daily life be grist for spiritual development, "ascension" even?
As my journey has continued, I have revised my understanding of spiritual development and ascension many times, and expect to continue to do so. It is in the living of daily life, combined with a certain quality of observing the same that makes progress possible. Thus, the entries you will find will be a combination perhaps mundane events along with contemplating them in the light of Gurdjieff, Ospensky, and Mouravieff; those who's wisdom comprise a Way. It also comes from interacting with a group of like-minded individuals who can help you to see the things it is so easy to miss in oneself.
Thank you for joining this adventure
Blue Ibis